Trump Defends Teen Accused of Killing Kenosha Protesters | U.S


The president of the United States came to the defense of the 17-year-old girl who is accused of killing two people and wounding a third, with a semiautomatic rifle, during the protests against the death of the African American Jacob Blake, at the hands of the police. in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

At a press conference on Monday, and on the eve of visiting Kenosha, Donald Trump argued that Kyle Rittenhouse “could have been killed” by the protesters had he not fired his gun, suggesting that the teenager, the staunch supporter of the president of According to his activity on social media, acted in self-defense.

“He [Rittenhouse] I was trying to get away from them [dos manifestantes]. Then he fell and was attacked with great violence. I imagine you were in a huge mess. He could have been killed. But we are investigating ”, said the American president.

Kyle Rittenhouse traveled from Antioch in neighboring Illinois to Kenosha in response to a call from civilian armed militia groups to help local authorities stop the third night of protests in the city where Blake was beaten seven times. in the past. back, by a policeman, in front of his children, on August 23, having been left paraplegic.

The 17-year-old shot three people and is charged with six crimes, including manslaughter. His defense team, belonging to a law firm whose client is Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, will argue precisely that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.

The position taken by the US president meets the narrative of the Republican reelection to the White House, which defends the need for “law and order” to end the violence registered in some cities of the country, after the massive protests against racism . and police violence in recent months, which began with the murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis, Minnesota police.

Trump and the Republican Party argue that the violence is fueled and promoted by “anarchists” and the “far left” who, in turn, are supported by the Democratic Party and its candidate, Joe Biden.

The president’s main campaign message is that the United States will “fall into disarray and chaos” if the Democrats win the November presidential election.

“America will never surrender to the crowd, because when the crowd is in charge, then democracy is dead,” Trump said, accusing Biden of being subdued by the “crowd on the left.”

The president travels to Kenosha on Tuesday, on a visit he believes is tense and should be accompanied by further protests, over accusations by the opposition that Trump is using tragedy and crime to campaign for politics. According to his adviser, the American leader will not meet with the Rittenhouse family, as has been suggested, but only with local businessmen and political leaders.
