SIC News | Covid-19 outbreaks in Portugal. The cases of Louletano and Vila Verde


The Louletano football team, in the Algarve, is isolated because more than 40 positive cases have been detected in the club. In the district of Braga, in Vila Verde, there are 62 infected.

Vila Verde did not register cases for two months

Within a few days, Covid-19 cases in Vila Verde soared to more than 60, after almost two months without registering infections. Of the patients, three are children and, so far, there are no cases registered in nursing homes.

The number may increase in the near future, because more than 50 inhabitants of Vila Verde are being evaluated per day.

The municipality says that for now it is not necessary to take stricter measures in commerce or services, but asks the population to be more aware of the symptoms.

The outbreak in Louletano Desportos Clube

In the south of the country, an outbreak with more than 40 infected people was detected in Louletano Desportos Clube. All players and staff are isolated at home.

Authorities believe the outbreak will be contained, but until the quarantine is over, the Loulé municipal stadium and the clubhouse will remain closed.
