The outbreak leads the population of Vila Verde to “close the door.” “It’s there, the virus”


An outbreak of covid-19 in Vila Verde led the population to “close the doors” and returned the fear of the conversations of the few who sit on the terraces, all with “great care” because “he is around”.

The church bell warns that it is one in the afternoon, time to eat, but the movement in the restaurants that surround that temple is not much and those who walk do not dispense with the mask and disinfectant, now placed on the tables next to the mobile phones. It is the “new normal”.

On Friday, 50 people were diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus that led the World Health Organization to declare a pandemic, and 60 were being monitored. The latest known figures indicate that the outbreak is already in 62 confirmed cases. Two months after the last case, covid-19 is once again the center of attention of fame in Vila Verde.

The number of infected by the covid outbreak in Vila Verde amounts to 62

“We were all happy to think it was over. But no. We do not abuse it, I do not know cases of social gatherings, or lack of respect for the rules, but it continues to be the case. Just one being [infetado com o novo coronavírus] and all the cares come to life, ”said Lusa António Santos, one of the few seated on one of the terraces near the Church.

The restaurants, famous in the area for their good service, are almost empty: “Many have already closed for a few days off, not only because of the virus. Those that are open are even more demanding with customers, more attentive to the masks and the number of people per table. But the truth is that not many people come ”, described Lusa Paula Castro, an employee of one of the open restaurants.

In the streets you feel the heat of Minho. Because it is lunchtime or not, most stores are closed and few people circulate, most of them wearing masks. Cristiana Gouveia is one of them. “I have the mask on the street. It may not be exact, but I feel more confident. In fact, I avoid leaving the house on foot, I prefer to go by car, but to go buy bread it is a bit ridiculous to get in the car ”, he explains.

Vila Verde is considering restricting the hours of cafes and restaurants again

“This weekend there was very little movement. People closed the doors again and stayed at home, and when you go out you have to be very careful because we know that he is there, the virus, “he said.

On what measures can the municipality impose to stop this outbreak, which “they say originated in a restaurant”, most of the conversations talk about the closure of the restaurant, a measure that generates a “schizophrenic opinion” in the population.

“If the cafes and restaurants close, they spoil us. We even realized the measure but we are plotted. The year was very bad, many of the immigrants who gave us some vitamins were missing, if we have to close again I don’t know how many will reopen. It is difficult to have an opinion. On the one hand, yes, on the merchant’s side, no. We seem schizophrenic. It is very difficult ”, confessed Paula Castro.

Covid-19 outbreak “identified” in Vila Verde, says minister

Roberto Castro, taxi driver, listens to the conversation and cuts his scythe: “I didn’t even run this weekend. Today I have already done two for the Health Center, all with great care. For each customer that comes in, I put some new plastic on them and I have the gel on the passenger seat. I spend more than I earn, but it gives me confidence, ”he said.

Portugal represents at least 1,819 deaths associated with covid-19 in 5,768 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the General Directorate of Health (DGS).
