Tomorrow there are new rules for car inspection …


Starting tomorrow, there are new rules for cleaner and safer vehicles across Europe. The “new” regulation was adopted in May 2018. It deeply remodels and significantly strengthens the previous system of approval and market surveillance.

This regulation improves the quality and independence of vehicle homologation and testing, increases controls for vehicles already on the EU market and strengthens the general system with stricter European supervision.

Dieselgate scandal!  New rules for vehicle inspection tomorrow ...

Tomorrow, September 1, the new rules for cleaner and safer vehicles will come into force across Europe. Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the Internal Market, said ...

European citizens rightly expect to drive the cleanest and safest vehicles. This presupposes the strictest controls on the vehicles placed on the market and that circulate on our roads.

It also requires effective enforcement and monitoring at European level: that's why the Commission will now be able to carry out vehicle checks, trigger collections across the EU and impose fines of up to € 30,000 per vehicle for non-compliance with the law. .

What you need to know about the new rules ...

Independence and quality of testing before putting a vehicle on the market

The technical services that carry out the tests and inspections of new types of vehicles will be subject to independent audits, based on strict criteria both to obtain and to maintain the respective designation by the Member States.

National type-approval authorities are also now subject to peer reviews to ensure that the relevant standards are strictly applied and adhered to throughout the EU.

Vehicle controls already on the market

The new framework also improves controls on vehicles that are already on the market and for sale at dealerships.

From now on, Member States are obliged to regularly test a minimum number of vehicles and can take safeguard measures against non-compliant vehicles on their territory, without waiting for the authority that issued the approval to take action.

European supervision

In addition, the Commission is now in a position to carry out conformity and conformity checks of vehicles in laboratories or on the road.

In cases where manufacturers violate type-approval legislation (e.g. tampering devices or false declarations), the Commission can order charges across the EU and impose penalties on those manufacturers up to an amount of EUR 30,000 per vehicle . Until today, only the national authorities that approved the vehicle could apply such measures.

It should be remembered that this new European Union regulation for the approval and inspection of the motor vehicle market was adopted two years ago due to the dieselgate scandal. The new approval rules were proposed by the Commission in 2016.

New rules for motor vehicle inspection tomorrow
