COVID-19. Portugal registers three more deaths and 244 infected. Lisbon with 56% of new cases | Coronavirus


This Monday, Portugal registered three more deaths and 244 cases of infection by the new coronavirus, which corresponds to an increase of 0.4% in the number of patients with covid-19. In total, there are 1,822 deaths and 58,012 confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic.

Of the 244 new cases, 137 (56%) were registered in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region and 83 (34%) in the northern region. The three deaths registered in the last 24 hours were all registered in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo. The data were released this Monday in the epidemiological bulletin of the General Health Directorate (DGS).

The number of new cases declines again, the lowest since August 25, when 192 new cases were registered.

76 people recovered from the disease compared to the previous day, with a total of 41,961 recovered. There are currently 14,229 active cases, 165 more than Sunday, after subtracting the number of recovered people and deaths from the total number of infections.

349 people are hospitalized (eight more than on Sunday), 41 of whom are in intensive care units (the same number as the day before).

The age group most affected in terms of deaths is that of people over 80 years of age. The three deaths identified in the last 24 hours belonged to this risk group (two men and one woman).

António Lacerda Sales, Secretary of State for Health, revealed this Monday, during the DGS press conference on the current situation of the covid-19 pandemic in Portugal, that 97.5% of active cases are recovering in House. while 2.5% are hospitalized (0.3% in intensive care units and 2.2% in the ward). The overall fatality rate for the disease is 3.1% and the 70-year fatality rate is 15.2%.

The area of ​​the country most affected by the pandemic continues to be the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley, which has 29,921 accumulated cases of contagion. It is followed by the north, with 20,859; the Center, with 4807 (seven more than the previous day); the Algarve, with 1112 (plus seven); and Alentejo with 944 (seven more in the last 24 hours). The Azores counted 212 cases of contagion (three more than on Sunday) and Madeira is left with a total of 157.

The North is the region with the highest number of deaths from covid-19, with a total of 849 since the start of the pandemic. The Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley registered 666 deaths until this Sunday, followed by the Center, with 253, the Alentejo, with 22, and the Algarve, with 17 deaths from covid-19.

It was also in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region where the majority of cases were registered during the past week (1105 in seven days). Since August 24, the municipality of Lisbon has registered the highest number of cases, with 143 new cases in one week (in a total of 5087), followed by Sintra with 139 more cases (4279 in total); Vila Franca de Xira, with 99 new cases (1,323 in total); Amadora, with 83 more (out of 2494); the municipality of Azambuja, with 74 more infections (226 in total) and Odivelas, with 57 more cases (1806 in total).

In the North, Braga was the municipality with the most new infections (55) in the last week, in a total of 1379 accumulated cases. Vila do Conde follows, with 53 more cases; Guimarães, with 52 more infected people and Vila Verde, with 51 new infections.

The word to define this phase of the pandemic is “preparedness.”

“If I had to choose one word to define the stage we are in now, it would be preparation. We are better prepared and we cope, so we prepare better. In a first phase we react. Now that reaction comes prepared from experience, even without knowing everything, but already knowing more, better anticipating the scenarios and guaranteeing more appropriate responses, “said Lacerda Sales at the usual press conference on Covid-19.

The general director of Health, Graça Freitas, reiterated, in turn, that, despite the increase in cases in recent days, the covid-19 figures in Portugal remain stable and that it is “a controlled increase.” “We predicted and it had already been said: contact during the summer could increase the number of cases. This has happened and we have seen something interesting which is the focus on families, ”he said.

Regarding the possibility that the isolation period for confirmed cases will be reduced from 14 days (the current period) to ten, Graça Freitas stressed that there are “great expectations” that “it is clearly established that the contagion period is very small after ten days of onset of symptoms or contact with a sick case ”. “If there is evidence to that effect, it would be extremely positive to be able to reduce the isolation period from 14 to 10 days. As you know, 14 is the maximum number of days for incubation, if there is better scientific evidence to the contrary, “he said.

Back to school

Regarding the return to work and school, António Lacerda Sales stated that it is necessary that this return be done with “the greatest consideration and caution”, but knowing that “nothing should or can be the same as what happened in the first phase.” .

Graça Freitas also specified that before the next meeting of Infarmed experts, a guide document will be made available so that “some indications are given” and that it provides for facilitating communication between schools, parents and Health, in the event of a situation in which there is A case. suspicious or positive at school.

The Director General of Health pointed out that it is not necessary to close an entire school if there is a suspected case of infection and that “effective actions can be taken, isolating those who need to be isolated and treating those who need to be treated.” ”.

Patients will be able to self-report their clinical situation.

The Secretary of State for Health reported that more than 4,500 health professionals have been hired to force the response of the SNS since the beginning of the pandemic and announced that this Monday an update to one of the DGS rules will be published that “will allow patients recover at home and self-report their situation ”.

“This will relieve the pressure on health professionals, that is, family doctors, allowing them to dedicate the time available to other activities that are equally relevant,” he said.

Even during the day, António Lacerda Sales affirmed that this change will give the possibility “for the patient himself to inform his family doctor” and then he will decide the “periodicity of the contact”.

On this issue, Graça Freitas recalled that there is the TraceCovid platform, which has been used since the beginning of the pandemic, and which serves so that people identified as ill and who are “well” can contact their health team.
