Three injured on the road that connects Guimarães with Falperra


Francisca Abreu, councilor for Education and Culture between 1998 and 2013 in the Guimarães Chamber, died this Wednesday, the municipality announced.

In a note sent to the press, the mayor of Guimarães, Domingos Bragança, presents “the deepest condolences to the family of Francisca Abreu”, decreeing two days of municipal mourning.

“Francisca Abreu was recognized in 2019 with the Municipal Cultural Merit Medal in gold, a result of the historical legacy she left in the city of Guimarães. She was responsible for Guimarães’ candidacy for the European Capital of Culture and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Fundação Cidade de Guimarães, an institution created to create, manage and execute the Guimarães 2012 cultural program ”, says the note.

The same document says that “the success of Guimarães European Capital of Culture 2012 was an example for all of Europe of how a medium-sized city, with the involvement of the entire population, could host an event of European scope, largely due to to the cosmopolitan, daring and inclusive vision of the then councilor Francisca Abreu ”.

“The heritage and mark he left in his mandates, both in the educational and cultural fields, were recognized with the interventionist character that has always guided his way of being a citizen since his youth and his permanent availability and dedication to the Community. for the people of Guimarães ”, says the document.

Born in Vilarinho, Santo Tirso, Francisca Abreu attended secondary school at the Liceu Nacional de Guimarães, having been an intern at the Colégio do Sagrado Coração de Maria, where she was part of the youth group that developed a notable cultural intervention there.

In the 1970s he attended the University of Coimbra where he was an activist student.

Graduated in Germanic Philology, she was a teacher and leader in various educational establishments until she entered the Escola Secundária Martins Sarmento, in 1982/1983, where she was elected president of the Executive Council for ten years, from 1987 to 1998.

From 1994 to 1998 he was a member of the Guimarães Municipal Assembly. In 1998 she became a councilor of the City Council, assigning herself the areas of Education and Culture and the presidency of the Municipal Cooperative “A Oficina”.
