SIC News | COVID-19. Arouca Home with 64 positive cases among users and employees


The nursing home of the Casa do Povo de Santa Cruz de Alvarenga, in Arouca, has 64 positive cases of contagion by covid-19, among its 107 users and employees, the local authority revealed this Saturday.

Of the 56 older adults who reside in this social institution in the Aveiro district, 40 have already been diagnosed with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and of the 51 employees of the house, 24 are confirmed to be ill.

Official source of the City Council confirms that the increase in positive cases of the new coronavirus occurred mainly “in the last 24 hours”, due to the “increase in the number of screening tests carried out” at the end of this week.

According to the information known so far, this worsening of the situation will be limited to three transmission chains, one of which -the one of greatest concern- was detected in the Casa do Povo de Alvarenga, a private institution of social solidarity, with 64 active cases ”, reveals the autarky.

The same source later mentions, as the second main contagion chain, the one that was detected among the Volunteer Firefighters of Arouca, which, as Lusa announced this morning, has nine confirmed cases among its about 80 operations.

This forced 30 professionals to be in quarantine, due to the recent contacts they had with those infected, so the barracks is already operating with only 38 people, having temporarily entrusted the Volunteer Firefighters of

Castelo de Paiva, in the neighboring municipality, transports patients for dialysis and physiotherapy consultations – to avoid greater risks for these risk users.

The Chamber of Arouca affirms that in the meantime it has “taken all the containment measures” recommended by the Local Health Authority “, in accordance with the guidelines of the General Directorate of Health and at the same time safeguarding the operational capacity to assist the population” by the corporation.

As for the third chain of infection identified in the municipality, it is only private households, the product of contacts between members of the same extended family.

The latest assessment of the epidemiological situation in Arouca, which has some 22,500 inhabitants spread over almost 330 square kilometers, now adds 118 active cases.

The most recent diagnoses thus bring the total number of people infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the municipality to 180, since the beginning of the pandemic, which has also caused six deaths in the same territory.

For this reason, the City Council insists on the need for the inhabitants to act as “public health agents, following all the recommendations of the competent authorities, restricting the maximum number of social contacts, always wearing a mask and washing their hands frequently.”

Lusa contacted the management of Casa do Povo in Alvarenga, but declined to comment on the existence of 64 positive cases at its facilities, noting that “the moment is not opportune.”

However, on the social network Facebook, the institution has already announced the suspension of visits “until otherwise indicated.”
