COVID-19. Children’s role in contagion challenges scientists


South Korean scientists, whose study involved 91 children, found that the virus was still present in the swabs used in these children up to three weeks after infection, even in the case of children with few or no symptoms of Covid-19.

This means that even when they are asymptomatic, children can, in theory, transmit the virus that is present in their nose for several weeks, infecting other people.

Still so, the study could not determine whether the rate of infection through children is as high as that seen among adults. This is the question that continues to challenge scientists.

If, on the one hand, some experts warn that children play an important role in the transmission of Covid-19 disease when they suffer from it, others argue that the fact that many children are asymptomatic reduces the risk of transmission because they sneeze and cough less.

“The presence of genetic material of the virus in swabs placed in the respiratory tract does not necessarily equate to the level of transmission, particularly in people who do not have significant symptoms such as coughing or sneezing,” explained professor from the University of Liverpool Calum Semple to the BBC . Scientists believe that even if they are infected with the virus, children are less likely to show signs of illness. Previous studies have concluded that the vast majority of infected children are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.

The president of the UK pediatric professional body (Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health), Russell Viner, told the BBC that Antibody tests suggest that children, especially those under 12 years of age, are less likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2. than adults.

Despite the possibility that going back to school could reverse this trend, Viner believes that keeping schools closed longer is not a solution, as it also presents risks, mainly in regards to development, education and health children’s mental.

Therefore, the specialist warns of the importance of social distance and good hygiene when returning to school.

So far, the new coronavirus has infected nearly 25 million people worldwide, of which 837,000 are fatalities. More than 16 million people have recovered from the disease.
