“I can’t afford to continue” – Observer


Neither the pandemic nor the style made Rui Rio facilitate: Mário Centeno has to be fired. Since coming to the leadership of the PSD, Rui Rio had only asked Azeredo Lopes to resign in the Tancos case and now he did it again. First through Twitter, then with a statement about Lost Steps in Parliament. For Rui Rio, Mário Centeno “unable to continue in office“, as “was not loyal to the prime ministerThe PSD leader hopes Centeno will no longer appear in Parliament this Thursday for the debate on the Stability Program.

Rui Rio recalled that Mário Centeno got into a “unsustainable situation“After the” criticism of the President of the Republic, that this afternoon the PS bank no longer defended him and said this morning that it would be irresponsible not to pay [850 milhões de euros ao Novo Banco] and wait for the audit, as the Prime Minister and the President defended. “Now, Rio concludes, Mário Centeno” is saying that the Prime Minister and the President are irresponsible. “

The PSD president says that António Costa has to make the decision, but makes it clear: “If I was in the prime minister’s place, after what happened, if he didn’t resign, I would be firedMinutes before the statement in Parliament, Rio had already criticized António Costa: “There is hardly a prime minister who maintains a minister who was not loyal to him, who has public criticism of the President of the Republic, which the PS bank did not defend and who says that it is irresponsible to do what the Prime Minister announced. “

The Social Democratic leader says that “if he was wrong” with the “delivery” of this Wednesday in the Assembly of the Republic, “Centeno worsened.” Rui Rio admits that this pandemic time is not “desirable” for Centeno’s departure, but says that “if it were a month ago, it could be worse” and that there is no other option but to leave.

As for António Costa’s silence, Rui Rio says that he understands it if “silence goes for a moment to reflection and decides what to do, but not if it is so”. ad eternum. If it takes a long time, I won’t understand. “

In October 2018, Rui Rio also requested the resignation of a minister, Azeredo Lopes, in exactly the same terms: “If I were Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense would have already left. I even think that, through conversations with two, he would have gone alone. ”

The defense minister would have left the government if Rui Rio were prime minister

Months earlier, in May, the PSD bank had asked for the resignation of the Minister of Health, but Rui Rio offered to reject the Social Democratic bank. At the time, when asked if the PSD could ask the minister to resign, he said: “It can, but it’s not exactly my style

PSD deputies resign from the Minister of Health. Rio disappoints and says it’s not his “style”

Minutes after Rui Rio’s statements, also in Parliament, the PS bank vice president, João Paulo Correia, said that the PSD president “made abusive statements about this afternoon’s debate.” The deputy of the PS recalled that the debate was not aimed “if the Minister of Finance, Mário Centeno, was, is or will be Minister of Finance”, something that, from the point of view of the PS bank, is not “minimally debatable “”.

João Paulo Correia considers that “Rui Rio wanted to divert what was the debate this afternoon to a certain conspiracy theory ” and praised Mário Centeno: “The Minister of Finance has done a remarkable job in the service of the country.

PS leaves Mourinho to defend only the position of Finance

Finance Minister Mário Centeno authorized a € 850 million transfer to Novo Banco without informing the Prime Minister of this. This Wednesday, Minister Mário Centeno and Secretary of State Mourinho Félix gave explanations to Parliament, but neither did the PS defend the government. To make matters worse, the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, gave the Minister of Finance a public hearing.

The winning team does not move. Costa throws, Marcelo feints Centeno, and goal: a wounded minister and a new nomination announced

PSD deputy Duarte Pacheco also said Wednesday morning that the prime minister should “exercise his authority” and recalled that “other ministers in the past were fired for much less serious omissions than these.”

This Wednesday, the MEP and head of the PSD delegation to the European Parliament had asked for the resignation of Mário Centeno in statements in the “Casa Comum” program by Rádio Renascença. Rangel defended that “in any normal country (…) if a finance minister was hiding (he already said he was hiding), obviously he has to take consequences from that. Either you have to be fired or you have to resign.
