The United States overtakes Europe and becomes the new global focus of the pandemic


The United States outnumbered Europe in the number of covid-19 infected on Tuesday, with about 1.74 million cases. The American continent is the new global focus of the pandemic.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that the United States now registers 1.74 million confirmed cases of coronavirus and it surpassed Europe, which totaled 1.73 million in the last hours and was, since mid-February, the epicenter of the pandemic.

However, covid-19 deaths in the Americas, which on Monday crossed the 100,000 death barrier, are significantly lower than the almost 160 thousand registered in Europe, according to data published by the WHO.

The data that Johns Hopkins University updates every day helps to get an idea about the evolution of the disease and its impact on mortality rates in the countries.

The institution estimated that the mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants due to covid-19 is 24.66 in the United States; 13.80 in Canada; 12.56 in Ecuador; 6.13 in Peru; 5.96 in Panama; 5.56 in Brazil; 2.83 in Mexico; 1.72 in Chile; 1.21 in Honduras; 1.07 in Bolivia, 0.96 in Colombia and 0.71 in Argentina.

Given the magnitude of the numbers, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) declared itself “very concerned” about the speed with which covid-19 is spreading in the American continent, where 266,269 more cases were registered in the last week. . .

“We are very concerned about how quickly the pandemic is spreading. It took our region three months to reach one million cases, but less than three weeks to almost double that number,” said the organization’s director, Carissa Etienne. .

The Director of PAHO warned that, due to this increase in mortality and virus transmission in South America, health systems in large urban centers such as Lima [Peru] or Rio de Janeiro [Brasil] “They are quickly becoming overwhelmed.”

Additionally, the United States recorded nearly 1,900 deaths in the past 24 hours, a further increase in the daily number of deaths caused by covid-19, after two days of sharp decline, according to the Johns Hopkins University count.
