Covid-19 deaths tripled in Portugal in last 15 days


JN / Agencies

The figures of the last 24 hours, but Portugal will surely overcome, on Thursday, the barrier of 600 deaths by Covid-19, a month after the first fatality of the disease was announced. In 15 days, the number of victims tripled.

On March 16, the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, announced the first fatality of Covid-19. Mário Veríssimo, former soccer coach and friend of Jorge Jesús, currently coach of Flamengo in Brazil, was 80 years old and, according to the governor, other associated pathologies.

The first fatality in Portugal took 14 days since the first positive case of Covid-19 in Portugal was diagnosed. It started slowly, but the death rate has escalated to such an extent that More than 300 people have died in the past nine days., more than half of the total deaths registered in 30 days.

The mortality rate of the disease (which compares deaths compared to the number of infected) is of the order of 3% in Portugal, being much higher among the elderly. Among the elderly victims, about a third lived in homes, Graça Freitas, Director-General of Health admitted on Wednesday.

“In terms of mortality, we are the 11th or 12th country” in the world, warned the president of the Council of Portuguese Medical Schools, Fausto Pinto, recalling that worldwide, Portugal is the 15th or 16th country in the world. World with the most positive cases of Covid-19 (18091, Wednesday numbers), since the first case was diagnosed on March 2.

This chronology can help understand the evolution of Covid-19 mortality in Portugal, since March 16, the first victim died and how the country, that is, the Government, has reacted.

March 17 – The number of infected people increases to 448, with the first positive registered in Madeira. It is announced that the NHS has been strengthened with more than 1,800 doctors and 900 nurses and that there are 30 infected health professionals, 18 of whom are doctors. And the birth of the first baby of an infected woman is also announced. The baby was not infected.

The municipality of Ovar is subject to “geographical quarantine” and the Government declares a state of public calamity for the municipality, which now has controlled entrances and exits. The movement of people on the streets is also controlled.

António Costa announces the suspension of air connections outside and outside the European Union. CP reduces daily calls by 350.

The Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales.

The Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales.


March 18th – The number of infected people increases to 642 and ra second death. The Alentejo records the first two cases.

The President of the Republic decrees a state of emergency for 15 days, after listening to the Council of State and having obtained the positive opinion of the Government and the approval of the decree by the Assembly of the Republic.

The state of emergency includes mandatory confinement and restrictions on movement on public roads. Disobedience is a crime and can lead to prison.

March, 19 – he the death toll rises to three in Portugal, with confirmed cases increasing to 785. Graça Freitas announces that anyone with mild or moderate symptoms of the disease is followed from home.

After the meeting of the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister announces the measures and regulations to comply with the state of emergency. The Government bill with exceptional measures is promulgated immediately by the President of the Republic.

The government of the Azores determines the suspension of the air connections of the SATA carrier between all the islands and TAP announces that it will reduce the operation until April 19, forecasting to meet 15 of the approximately 90 destinations.

March 20 – Portugal has six fatalities and 1,020 confirmed cases. António Costa announces that the payment of VAT and IRC is postponed for the second semester, the automatic extension of the unemployment benefit and the solidarity supplement for the elderly and income for social integration.

It is also announced that religious celebrations, such as funerals and other events involving the concentration of people, are prohibited and that health or civil protection authorities may order civil requisition of public goods or services if necessary to combat the disease.

March 21st – he the death toll rises to 12, double the previous day, and the infected are 1,280.

The Government announces that it will extend the deadlines for car inspections and reduce auctions at auction, creating a credit line of up to 20 million euros for the fishing sector.

With the country at home, the first reports of infections in homes emerge. At the Idanha Health House in Belas, on the outskirts of Lisbon, it is announced that 10 users are infected. A house in Vila Nova de Famalicão runs out of employees after eight tested positive for covid-19.

March 22 – The number of deaths associated with Covid-19 increases to 14 and the number of infected to 1600 (over 320). On a sunny Sunday, many people take to the streets and in Póvoa de Varzim the police are called due to “disrespect for the state of emergency” (walking crowd). In Coimbra, the PSP is also called because of a group in the Choupal National Forest. Seven people are detained in the country for the crime of disobedience.

The authorities begin the repatriation of more than 1,300 passengers arriving in Lisbon on a cruise ship (including 27 Portuguese).

The Government signs three orders, which come into effect the next day, to guarantee essential services for the supply of water and energy, garbage collection and public transport operation.

23 of March – Portugal has 23 deaths and 2,600 infections. The Complaints are beginning to emerge about the lack of equipment for those most in need, such as health or safety professionals..

The Government creates an emergency helpline of one million euros for artists and cultural entities and reinforces cooperation agreements with the social sector (responsible for nursing homes or nurseries) with 50 million euros.

A nursing home in Maia, Porto, places 46 elderly people in isolation due to cases of infection.

March 24th – The number of deaths increases to 33 and the number of infections increases to 2,362.

The Secretary of State for Internal Affairs, Patrícia Gaspar, announces the activation of the National Emergency Plan for Civil Protection, the same day that 27 arrests are already underway for violations of the rules of the state of emergency.

In Vila Real, the mayor warns of the existence of 20 users and employees of a house infected with covid-19.

The Rally of Portugal is postponed.

March 25th – Portugal registers 10 more deaths, reaching 43, when 2995 infections are counted.

The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority puts on orange alert, the second most serious, the districts of Lisbon, Porto and Aveiro.

Câmara de Melgaço implements a health facility in the town of Parada do Monte, with 370 inhabitants, after the confirmation of three cases of infection.

March 26th – There are 3,544 infections and 60 people have died. There are patients in treatment with drugs against malaria and Ebola, although I’m not sure, says Graça Freitas.

The day that Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa admits prolonging the state of emergency, the Government meets in the Council of Ministers and approves the suspension until September of the payment of home loans and company loans. It also approves exceptional measures for the protection of jobs (such as the temporary reduction of hours or the suspension of the contract) and a bill that establishes a late payment system for rent, which also allows the Institute of Urban Housing and Rehabilitation to grant loans . to tenants

Anyone landing in the Azores is announced to have a mandatory 14-day confinement.

March 27th – In Portugal, the number of deaths reaches 76 and the number of infected people increases to 4,268.

At Nossa Senhora das Dores’ house in Vila Real, there are now 88 infected people, including 68 users.

1,500 nurses volunteer to strengthen support for the SNS24 hotline, according to the Order’s President.

28th MarchThe death toll rises to a hundred and the infected are 5,170.

The President of the Republic asks the Portuguese to continue respecting the containment rules during the Easter period. The PSP challenges all people crossing the 25 de Abril Bridge, heading north-south, and images of long lines of cars are released, some of them, says the PSP, in violation of the state of emergency.

A rectification of the initial diploma of the simplified dismissal is published, warning that no worker of the companies that appeal and this support can be dismissed.

March 29 – Portugal represents 119 deaths and 5,962 cases of infections. The number of people hospitalized in intensive care is 138 patients, an increase that doubled from the previous day.

News of household infections continues, as in Foz Côa, Guarda, where the home has 47 infected in a universe of 62 older people, according to the provider.

In the Azores, the municipality of Povoação, on the island of S. Miguel, is also subject to a sanitary cord.

The news comes out, through the unions, that there is at least one infected prison guard at the Custoias facility and a medical assistant at the Caxias hospital. The Government says it will carefully consider the United Nations recommendation for the immediate release of some of the most vulnerable prisoners.

March 30th – António Costa warns that Portugal “will enter the most critical month of this pandemic”, the day the DGS figures indicate that there are 140 deaths and 6,408 infected.

The Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales, says that the number of infected health professionals reached 853, and Graça Freitas admits that he imposed a health fence in the Porto region, prompting strong criticism.

Labor Minister Ana Mendes Godinho says social security received 1,400 applications from companies intending to join the simplified “layoff”.

March 31st – DGS data indicates that Portugal has 7443 confirmed cases and 160 deaths.

The Government requests the opening of “conditional conditions” of the parish councils where the CTT posts are installed, remembering that these services guarantee the provision of pensions. The company announced that it would anticipate the issuance and payment of coupons in two business days.

TAP advances to a dismissal process for 90% of workers.

The Azores government extends the contingency situation in the archipelago until April 30.

April 1st – Portugal registers 187 deaths and 8,251 infected. The President of the Republic proposes to parliament the renewal of the state of emergency for another 15 days, clarifying issues such as the right of resistance and covering the area of ​​education, providing distance classes, in addition to other proposals. Regional parliaments agree.

António Costa says that the Government gave a favorable opinion to the President’s proposal and, after the meeting of the Council of Ministers, affirms that the Government “will toughen up a bit” and clarify the rules of the road, and warns that this will be a “month very dangerous “” in terms of the spread of covid-19.

And he also mentions that a solution based on digital terrestrial television is being prepared to guarantee classes and that he will propose to the president a set of pardons and will present to parliament a legislative change in the regime of execution of sentences.

The Armed Forces announce that they have 50 confirmed cases of infected military personnel, two of them hospitalized.

April 2 – The Assembly of the Republic approves the decree of the President of the Republic that extends the state of emergency until the end of April 17. António Costa considers that the renewal of the state of emergency is “absolutely essential”.

Among the new measures approved by the Government is the prohibition of traveling outside the municipality of residence in the Easter period, between April 9 and 13 (only with declaration), and the closure of all airports in the same period to passenger flights.

The Government also announces that it will propose a partial pardon of sentences of up to two years for less serious crimes and will speed up presidential pardons to prevent the spread of the virus in prison.

The Azores government repairs sanitary fences in the six municipalities of the island of S. Miguel.

The government of Madeira orders the suspension of the admission of new guests to all tourist places.

According to the Government, the PSP, GNR and firefighters are among the priority group in the detection tests for the disease.

April 3 – Portugal has 37 more deaths and reaches 246 covid-19 victims. There are another 852 infected, 9,886 in total, according to official figures. And the Order of Nurses adds that there are more than 300 infected nurses, with more than 1,750 in the home, after having been in contact with patients. The Secretary of State for Health announces that 24 million surgical masks will arrive in Portugal this month.

The Prime Minister designates May 4 as the deadline for the resumption of face-to-face classes that will ensure that the school calendar remains normal.

The Union of Entertainment, Audiovisual and Musicians Workers warns about the dramatic situation experienced in the sector, where almost all jobs were canceled. The postponement of the Rock in Rio festival in Lisbon for one year is also announced.

April 4 – The popular marches in Lisbon and the arraiais de Santo António, in Lisbon, are canceled, and the festivals of S. João do Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia are also announced by the municipalities.

Portugal registers 266 deaths associated with Covid-19, 20 more than the previous day, and 10,524 infected, 638 more.

The Ministry of Agriculture begins to help farmers sell their products in local markets and launches a campaign to promote their consumption.

From Dili, in Timor-Leste, a plane with 207 Portuguese and four Europeans leaves for Portugal on a repatriation flight.

5th of April – Portugal registers today 295 deaths associated with Covid-19, 29 more than the previous day and 11,278 infected (754 more), according to DGS. Since January 1, 86,370 suspected cases have been registered, of which 4,962 await the results of this day’s analysis. There are 75 recovered patients.

The Minister of Health says that there are 1,332 health professionals infected with covid-19, of whom 231 are doctors and 339 nurses.

According to the Ministry of Labor, more than 100,000 independent workers, whose economic activity was reduced, requested extraordinary support from the Government.

6 of AprilPortugal already has 311 deaths associated with Covid-19, 16 more than the previous day and 11,730 infected (452 ​​more), according to DGS. Since March 1, 110,000 diagnostic tests have been performed for the disease, says the Secretary of State for Health.

The Azores government announces that the archipelago will have 79 fans to face the pandemic.

Belenenses SAD, from the Portuguese Football League, partially goes into ‘dismissal’, due to the covid-19 pandemic. It is the first formation of the Portuguese Football League that advances with the ‘dismissal’.

April 7 – Portugal now has 345 deaths associated with Covid-19, 34 more than the previous day and 12,442 infected (712 more), according to the epidemiological bulletin published by DGS.

The Armed Forces have so far registered 57 soldiers infected with the new coronavirus, two of whom are cured and two others hospitalized, the defense minister announced at a hearing in parliament.

The clubs of the Portuguese 1st Soccer League undertake not to hire any player who has unilaterally terminated or terminates the employment contract due to the pandemic.

8 April – Portugal registers 380 deaths associated with covid-19, 35 more than the previous day and 13,141 infected (699 more), according to DGS. Since March 1, more than 130,000 screening tests have been conducted on covid-19.

Parliament approves the government’s proposal to create an exceptional regime for prisons due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which also approves the flexibility of financial mechanisms for municipalities to combat covid-19.

The Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) cancels the non-professional football and futsal championships for the 2019/20 season.

April 9th – Portugal now has 409 deaths associated with covid-19, 29 more than the previous day and 13,956 infected (plus 815), according to DGS. The Secretary of State for Health says that all national youth hostels are available to welcome health professionals, elderly people displaced from their homes, patients with covid-19 or homeless people, in a total of 2,400 beds.

The President of the Republic promulgates, despite doubts, the Government law that creates an exceptional pardon regime for convictions for covid-19, less than 24 hours after its approval in parliament.

European finance ministers agreed on an economic response “unthinkable just a few weeks ago” around a € 500 billion package with “safety nets” for workers, companies and member states, Mário Centeno announces.

April 10th – The President of the Republic announces that he will renew the state of emergency until May 1, because he cannot “play guard” or “let his guard down” in the fight against the virus. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa also says that he supports the government’s proposal to end the school year.

Portugal registers 435 deaths associated with covid-19, 26 more than the previous day and 15,472 infected (1,516 more), according to DGS. The Ministry of Health announces that the NHS hospitals will receive, until the 19th, another 300 fans to “face the new coronavirus”.

The Government announces that the classes for primary students, broadcast by RTP Memória during the third period, will begin on the 20th and will only take 30 minutes per subject, including physical and artistic education.

April 11 – The Prime Minister says that in the next school year there will be universal access for basic and secondary education students to the Internet and computer equipment, considering that this large investment is essential in view of the risks of a pandemic.

Portugal registers 470 deaths associated with covid-19, 35 more than the previous day and 15,987 infected (more 515), according to DGS. There are 266 recovered patients. The law that allows the partial pardon of sentences of up to two years, a special pardon regime, extraordinary administrative exits of prisoners and an exceptional anticipation of parole comes into force.

Sporting reaches an agreement with the players of the professional football team for a salary reduction of 40% in April, May and June.

April 12th Portugal has, on Easter Sunday, 504 deaths associated with covid-19, 34 more than on Saturday and 16,585 infected (598 more), says DGS.

April 13: Portugal registers 535 deaths associated with covid-19, 31 more than on Sunday and 16,934 infected (349 more), according to DGS figures. The Minister of Health said in a press conference that the population can wear non-surgical masks in closed spaces and with a high number of people., such as supermarkets and public transport.

Finance Minister Mário Centeno says government estimates point to a 6.5% drop in annual GDP for every 30 business days when the economy grinds to a halt due to covid-19. And it supports the nationalization of TAP.

It is announced that the land borders between Portugal and Spain will remain closed, at least until May 15.

April 14th – Portugal now has 567 covid-19-associated deaths, 32 more than the previous day and 17,448 infected (514 more), according to DGS. The Secretary of State for Health says that since March 1, more than 190,000 tests have been performed on the covid-19.

The mayor of Melgaço announces the lifting of the sanitary siege in Parada do Monte, a measure implemented on March 25 to stop the spread of covid-19 that reached nine people in that village.

It is announced that the PSP and the GNR detained 87 people, of whom 15 with the covid-19, during the operation aimed at ensuring compliance with the strictest traffic regulations during the Easter period.

April 15 – Portugal reaches 599 deaths associated with covid-19, 32 more than the previous day and 18,091 infected (643 more), according to DGS.

Data is published that indicates that the number of workers covered by the simplified dismissal measure, launched by the Government to respond to the covid-19 pandemic, reaches more than 930 thousand.

Sporting is moving forward with a layoff process for 86% of the club’s employees to ensure sustainability and avoid layoffs, due to the covid-19 pandemic, an official source says.

Forty-five days after Covid-19 confirmed the first infections, and one month after the first death, Portugal now has almost 600 confirmed deaths and it is not long before the goal of 20,000 infected is reached.
