Covid-19. Quarantine orders are “fascist,” says Elon Musk


The founder and CEO from Tesla, Elon Musk has caused discord on Twitter, sharing posts where he reveals to be against the quarantine and isolation imposed by the state of pandemic of Covid-19.

After posting a “tweet” calling for the release of the United States, Musk stated during a call with investors Tesla that quarantines us USES It is “fascist”. “Saying that [as pessoas] they cannot leave the house and will be arrested if they do, this is fascist. This is not democratic, this is not freedom, they have to give people their freedom “, will have declared musk.

The Tesla leader also took the opportunity to criticize infrastructures of USES, noting that they are worse than those of China and Europe and that it is urgent to invest for the “transport of the future”. “We have a lot of roads and bridges collapsing and, frankly, when I visited China, I saw that its infrastructure is much better than ours. They are brilliant. Europe has a better infrastructure. It is really sad that the infrastructures of USESespecially roads and highways are where they are today. And our airports, in many cases, are a disgrace ”Musk noted.

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