After being sentenced in court! Rosa Villa says she was attacked by GNR – Nacional


After confessing for the first time her addiction to cocaine and, later, to alcohol, Rosa Villa still insisted on clarifying a controversy in which she was involved and in which he was tried and convicted in court.

Before doing the alcohol treatment, I started taking a quarter of a pill called an antagonist. Only when you take this medicine, you cannot drink alcohol.“, he began saying to Júlia Pinheiro, this afternoon, April 29, at SIC.
But there was a day when the actress and her boyfriend argued over the phone. One message and then another … and Rosa Villa decided to resolve the matter face to face. Just by the way drank alcohol. When he got home he was completely upset and drunk.

In the middle of the discussion, he felt bad and the boyfriend was forced to call 112. Only in place of the ambulance, the GNR patrol entered the scene. “He was sitting on the couch when the guards entered the door.“the actress advanced.

Rosa Villa says that her boyfriend hit her in the face because one of the officers pushed her against the wall to be handcuffed: “I immediately started bleeding from the nose. Obviously he was very nervous and upset. I screamed, swore and tried to defend myself by holding on“he recalled.

She says she was taken to the police station and then put in a cell: “I was punched in the face by a GNR that fell to the ground. So I don’t know if it was a boot or a knee that pushed me to the floor“he continued reporting.

Rosa Villa says that she was “all torn and all black“This case was brought to court and the the actress was convicted of assaulting security officials. Still, the actress made sure to clarify everything.
