71 more deaths here. Portugal aware of the situation in the UK


ORThe most recent data shows that Portugal registered 71 more deaths and 3,334 new infected, which brings the accumulated total of infections to 374,121 and that of fatalities to 6,134.

This weekend, the the curfew starts at 1pm and is applied to 113 municipalities with very high or extreme risk of transmission of COVID-19-19, having to close shops and restaurants at that time.

See the evolution maps pandemic of the new coronavirus in Portugal and in the World.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19:

14h18 – Right now, there is 3,027 people hospitalized for the new coronavirus in Portugal, an increase of 54 on the last day, of which 483 are in Intensive Care Units (less two people).

14h15 – Portugal registered 71 deaths and 3,334 new cases of COVID-19-19 in the last 24 hours. With this update, the accumulated number of infections rises to 374,121 and the number of deaths to 6,134.

1:45 pm – After Holland and Belgium, Italy suspends flights with the United Kingdom. The Italian government will suspend flights with the United Kingdom after London confirmed the appearance of a variant of the new coronavirus, announced today the head of Italian diplomacy, Luigi Di Maio.

1:44 pm – Portugal “closely follows” the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the United Kingdom and is favoring “close cooperation” between the health authorities of the two countries, an official source told Lusa today.

12h30 – OR Health Minister britIan said today that the new strain of the new coronavirus was “out of control” to justify the restrictions in London and parts of England. adding that these measures can last until the vaccine is implanted. “Unfortunately the new strain was out of control. We had to regain control and the only way to do that is to restrict social contacts,” the Health Minister said in a statement to Sky News. britUnique, Matt Hancock.

12h17 – A Belgium will suspend air and sea connections from the UK following the discovery of a new strain of COVID-19-19 in the south of Englandand Germany is taking it “seriously” dothat. In Brussels, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croohe told the television network YARD that the suspension will be at least 24 hours, but it can be extended, and that it begins at 11:00 p.m. today.

11:14 – The leading American epidemiologist, AnthonyFauci, gave explanations about Santa Claus to a particularly demanding part of the population … children. During a special CNN with the street Sesame, Fauci answered several questions from the little ones and guaranteed that Santa Claus will be able to travel to deliver gifts this Christmas season despite the pandemic.

10:00 –Russia registered almost 29,000 new cases of COVID-19-19 on the last day, the highest number in two weeks, the operational center to combat the new Russian coronavirus said today.

10h30 –Africa recorded 449 more deaths due to COVID-19-19 and added 21,296 new cases in the last 24 hours, reaching a total of 58,762 Deceased since the beginning of pandemic, according to official figures.

08h11 –Requests for help from emigrants deprived increase me Paris.Ilda Nunes is from September the new provider of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Paris, at a time when requests for help “increased immensely”, although there is still “some shame” in the Portuguese community asking for help.

08:10 – The consulting firm Capital Economics considers that countries such as Angola and Cape Verde may be among the main beneficiaries of the vaccination campaign that is beginning, although the outlook remains bleak in the future. Africa sub-saharan.

07h32 – A China reported today that 23 new cases of coronavirus were diagnosed on Saturday, one of them by local contagion. OR infected Location was identified in the province of Liaoning, in the northeast of the country. The figure published today shows a slight recovery, after the 17 cases announced the previous day.

07h27 – A Argentina recorded 41 deaths and 5,795 new infections by COVID-19-19 in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health reported today. The country has 41,763 deaths and 1,537,169 infections by COVID-19-19 from March, when the first cases of the disease were confirmed in Argentine territory. The daily balance indicates that 1,362,617 patients have already recovered from the disease, while 3,452 people remain hospitalized in hospital intensive care units.

07h23 – A pandemic gives COVID-19-19 forced many people to work from home, so most meetings were held online. This is a change that employers and employees have had to adapt to. Learn some important tips on how to make sure your video conference is successful.

07h18 – the U.S registered 2,971 deaths and 215,185 infected with the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, according to the independent count from Johns Hopkins University. The country now has 17,631,293 cases and 316,006 Deceased by COVID-19-19 from the beginning of pandemicNew York State continues to be the hardest hit by pandemic with 36,312 deaths.

07h13 – Pandemic makes 2020 a “middle year” in the lives of many homeless people. 2020 is a “middle year” for Paulo, neither good nor bad, because he has gone through much worse and managed to overcome, but the pandemic affected heavily homeless people, suspended lives and brought new cases to associations. At Cais, an association that works with people in situations of deprivation, exclusion and risk, socially and economically vulnerable, the impact that the pandemic of COVID-19-19 with these people, but it is already possible to know that the consequences were felt mostly in terms of isolation, mental health and income.

07h07 – OR Government of Holland today suspended everything UK passenger flights until 01 janeiro, after being detected a New variant of coronavirus what causes COVID-19-19 originally identified in soil britdwarf. In a statement, the Dutch Ministry of Health “recommends that any introduction of this variant of the virus from the UK be limited as much as possible, limiting and / or controlling the movement of passengers from the UK.”

07h03 – OR Mexico recorded 627 deaths and 12,129 infected with the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, health officials said Saturday. The country now represents a total of 1,313,675 cases and 117,876 deaths from COVID-19-19 from the beginning of pandemic.

07h00 – Good morning, we start a new record to follow the evolution of pandemic in the country and in the world. You can recall the previous accompaniment here.

Also read: AL MINUTO: New strain it affects efficacy of the vaccine? 706 deaths in Brazil

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