59 more dead, 7,497 infected and 2,357 recovered in the country


The Porto District Firefighters Federation (FBDP) today threatened to park the vehicles of the PEM (Emergency Medical Post) indefinitely, together with the INEM-North Regional Delegation, in protest of the lack of institutional collaboration of that organization.

It is, according to the FBDP, “the constant devaluation of the work carried out by the Portuguese firefighters and the lack of institutional collaboration of the INEM, in a permanent subordination of its main partner of the Integrated System of Medical Emergencies (Humanitarian Associations / Firefighters)”.

Referring to a working meeting that took place on October 29, the federation revealed that it had been “unanimously approved” to send to the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance and all the mayors, the National Emergency and Protection Authority . Civil (ANEPC) and the Portuguese Fire Department and the Oporto District Civil Protection Commission of a series of complaints.

In three points, approximately 80% of the fire brigades present at the meeting warned about “the need for the ANEPC to immediately distribute complete personal protection equipment to the fire brigades in accordance with the INEM technical guide No. 09/2020, in quantity and quality according to the services performed “, considering that the” deliveries made so far are far below the needs “.

In the second complaint, the firefighters point to “the immediate review of the protocol with the INEM, (article 7-B of Law No. 42/2020 of August 18), in order to mitigate the high costs of providing the emergency service. pre-hospital emergency, specifically through the review of the quarterly reimbursement tables and exit premiums ”.

At this point, the assembled corporations also point out that “it is urgent to review the PEM implementation protocol with regard to reimbursements related to vehicle insurance and maintenance.”

“Disinfection / decontamination costs and vehicle downtime are also added in a pandemic context,” emphasizes the document, which also presents the “average monthly calculation of the additional cost of approximately 45 euros / service in charge of the volunteer fire brigades “and that” multiplied by the average number of services per month, 12,000 occurrences, amounts to more than half a million euros, values ​​where associations are replacing the State and which is leading to financial collapse. “

The signatories reiterate the “lack of institutional loyalty of the INEM on the part of the partners-firefighters when taking a unilateral decision to prohibit their collaborators who are cumulatively voluntary firefighters from exercising this function, threatening them with disciplinary processes.”

The document concludes that the “failure to comply with the aforementioned measures” and the “urgent review of the protocol between the AHBV / INEM / ANEPC within a maximum period of 72 hours, casts doubt on the provision of assistance and protection of property of the district population from Port”.

At the end of that period, the document says: “The fire brigades of the Porto district will indefinitely park the vehicles (PEM) Emergency Medical Post, together with the INEM-North Regional Delegation, as a form of protest.”

Speaking to Lusa, the commander of the Coimbrões fire department, Luís Araújo, stressed that the symbolic protest “will never jeopardize the provision of assistance with reserve ambulances, thus demonstrating the importance of participating in the Integrated System of Medical Emergencies (SIEM). ”.

Lusa tried to get a reaction from the INEM, but so far it has not been possible.
