5 million Portuguese to install


The current app is called Stayaway Covid and it aims to identify potential exposures to people infected with COVID-19. Despite having an application with the same name in the Android application store, the Portuguese continue to install and assist in this national movement against COVID-19.

According to recent information, the Portuguese application Stayaway Covid has already installed more than 1 million people.

Covid Stayaway: 5 million Portuguese will be installed

The operation is simple: each user who has tested positive can enter the test code in the application. After validation by the General Directorate of Health (DGS), the application will alert other users who have been close to the infected user -for 15 minutes or more- always without revealing their identity, their contacts or those of other users.

According to the administrator of the Institute of Systems Engineering and Computing, Technology and Science (INESC TEC), Rui Oliveira, nineteen days after its launch, the Stayaway Covid application has already been downloaded 1,030,824 (for iOS and Android).

We are very happy, although I am not exactly surprised. The application is a help for the Portuguese population, but the remaining five million Portuguese are still missing [que têm ‘smartphones’]

Rui Oliveira

Covid Stayaway: 5 million Portuguese will be installed

The administrator of the Porto institute highlights that the interactions in the application continue, with "several dozen" doctors already generating codes. To Lusa, on September 8, the president of Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS) said that the SNS 24 line had already received 20 calls from people who, through the application, were informed that they had been in contact with someone infected.

António Costa recently stated "Please understand that it is a civic duty to download this application and indicate if you are diagnosed as positive."

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed at least 953,025 deaths and more than 30.5 million cases of infection in 196 countries and territories, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

Remember that…

  • The STAYAWAY COVID app is safe
  • GPS information is not used
  • The application is a voluntary installation.
  • No contacts are identified, that is, the app labels are completely anonymous
  • There is no record of the app having a negative influence on battery life.
  • The infected person can decide whether or not to alert other users.
  • No registration required

To download…

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