48 users with positive covid in one day and negative in the other


48 covid-19 screening tests that tested positive at the Santa Casa de Vila Verde facility have now turned negative after performing a counter-analysis at another laboratory, the institution’s provider told O MINHO.

According to Bento Morais, 48 ​​of the 49 positive tests published on Thursday were frustrated by a new evaluation, carried out in another laboratory, generating outrage among those responsible for the Vila Verde institution.

The provider explains that, at the request of the Cabreira / Gerês Health Center Group, which oversees the municipality of Vila Verde, 69 screening tests were carried out in the Continuous Care Unit, and 49 of these tests were positive. The exams, O MINHO knows, will have been carried out in a laboratory at the University of Minho.

But the institution was surprised by the results of the tests, which indicates that none of the subjects had symptoms and that all the measures were always meticulously followed: “I said that I did not believe it, no one had symptoms, we have the best protective equipment, the facilities duly protected, renewed air instead of air conditioning, so we asked an accredited laboratory to carry out the same tests and yesterday we received the results that indicate that only 1 out of 69 was positive ”.

Bento Morais adds that the employee who accused the positive was already referred for having had contact with infected people, so “there is no surprise in this case.” “The others were surprising, because the three cases we had previously were of patients who came from public hospitals, two now recovered and the third on the way to recovery,” adds the provider.

The official explains that a letter was sent to the mayor of Vila Verde, the health delegate, ACES, the General Directorate of Health and the Ministry of Health to cancel the first data, already registered in the epidemiological report published yesterday. . Today’s case still contains the alleged positive cases of the institution.

“This is very serious, we have several employees who were sent home on sick leave paid 100% by order of the health authorities and this is very serious, since there was no consideration by these same authorities when we told them that it would be impossible to have that amount of infections in the institution ”, he contextualizes.

And he says more: “Not only as a provider but as a citizen, I am outraged at the lack of consideration in this case, which I can only point out as an outrage against Mercy.”

“Our team is highly qualified, we have an anesthesiologist specialized in this type of disease, a biologist and a nurse with more than four years of experience in infectious diseases, which shows that we have not been playing, neither with patients nor with family members. Everything is very serious ”, says Bento Morais.

In the letter sent to the authorities, to which O MINHO had access, Santa Casa de Vila Verde explains that, in a universe of 650 employees, “only one was positive”, and that of a universe of 300 users, there is only one Infected person will have come from a public hospital already in these conditions.

They also report that of 120 doctors working in the body, there are no records of infection. He adds that “after this episode, 44 users hospitalized in the units were tracked by the INEM, of which only one tested positive,” and that this was already known. He also adds that “all patients are stable”.
