464 recoveries of covid-19 in 24 hours. The most cured day of all


In Portugal, in the last 24 hours, 19 more people died and 234 more cases of covid-19 were confirmed. But the number that stands out the most in the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS), this Tuesday (May 12), is the number of recovered. On the last day, 464 people were healed. – The largest daily increase since the start of the pandemic in the country, which now has a total of 27,913 infected, 3,013 recovered and 1,163 deaths.

Portuguese cured animals now represent 10.8% of the total infected. Percentage that “concerns information from hospitals,” explained the director general of Health, in response to the DN, during the usual press conference at the ministry. More than 80% of patients receive home treatment. “We know that a large majority of people stayed at home. We are developing methodologies for general practitioners and family members who have followed patients in residence to register on a credible recovery platform. ” Graça Freitas reported.

The new data also shows a 0.8% increase in infection cases compared to the bulletin released on Monday. Already the overall mortality rate is now 4.2%, increasing to 15.3% in the age group over 70 years. Of the 1163 deaths, 48.7% are men and 51.3% women.


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This Tuesday, 709 patients are hospitalized (96 less than yesterday), of these 113 are in intensive care (one more).

The DGS bulletin also indicates that 2,719 people are awaiting laboratory results and more than 27,000 are under surveillance by health authorities. The most common symptom among those infected is cough (which affects 42% of patients), followed by fever (30%) and muscle pain (21%).

Covid’s second wave is “very likely,” experts say. The government guarantees to have “a preparation pad”

The leading specialist at the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) admitted, in an interview with the Lusa agency, that a second wave of covid-19 infections was “very likely”, estimating that although countries are better prepared, The number of serious cases and deaths may not decrease. “I don’t think the mortality or mobility of the disease shows any kind of change, so if there is a second wave, the number of deaths and people in intensive care will be more or less in the same proportion that we have now, according to what we can perceive “, Sergio Brusin maintains.

“We saw in previous situations, with other pandemics, that there were second waves and we have to consider that this is a completely new virus,” continues the ECDC specialist.

Questioned by the DN, during the conference, on how Portugal is preparing for this possibility, the Secretary of State for Health mentioned that there are no “defined probabilistic values”. Although I recognize again that it can happen. If so, guarantees that Portugal “has a preparedness platform for this situation“, then quoting the Prime Minister, when António Costa said:” If we need to step back, we will certainly step back. “

António Lacerda Sales talks about prepared plans and asks for the contribution of the Portuguese, through strict compliance with sanitary measures. He said the aforementioned plans are the resumption of measures that have since been abandoned. “We will be prepared”, he reinforces.
