33-meter vulva creates discord in Brazil: Observer


It took 11 months to complete the artistic project of the Brazilian Juliana Notari and a few days for the controversy to reach the international press, including the British The Guardian. The huge excavation in the form of a “vulva / wound” 33 meters high, 16 wide and another six deep, called “Diva”, is at the center of a heated debate that divides politics and society.

In the midst of so many rocks in the middle of this dystopian year, I finally finished the year with Diva work ready !! Was a…

Posted by Juliana Notari on Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The art installation was unveiled Saturday at a rural art park in Pernambuco. On Facebook, the artist published an extensive text explaining that more than 20 men were needed to complete the project and that “Diva” intends to explain issues that refer to “the problematization of gender from a female perspective” and that also seeks to question the relationship “Between nature and culture in our phallocentric and anthropocentric western society”, issues that “have become increasingly urgent.”

It is in this same publication where discontent comments are found, with some even “obscene” reactions. Thousands of critics, most of whom The Guardian associates with supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro, invaded the artist’s page in an irate manner, saying “Who do the leftists think he’s kidding? Besides the useful idiots on the left, of course. “

However, this was not the only publication that generated negative comments: even before the end of 2020, the artist published on social networks allusive photographs of the project, one of her in the company of some of the 20 men who helped her build the installation. artistic, all black. The image brought up racial issues from the water. To Folha de S. Paulo, the artist explains that she was in harmony with the team, although she understands how the image can be interpreted: “I, the team, were in harmony, but when you see the image, you really notice the difference in classes . (…) The image goes beyond the field of art and enters the context of what Brazil is ”.

In addition to the social and racial context, there were those who also accused the work of being transphobic – there are critics who point out that not all women have a vagina – who questioned the need to spend money on projects related to feminist art, instead of social projects. . , and who focused on the environmental issue. But while some question the art of Juliana Notari, others celebrate it: the truth is that the publication has more than 25 thousand comments and has already been shared more than 13 thousand times. For Correio Braziliense, the artist also comments that she will consider constructive criticism in future works.
