“3 billion will be broken in TAP, which will be a waste of money,” says the CEO of Ryanair – O Jornal Economico


“Taxpayers are going to blow their heads to part with 3,000 million euros to subsidize TAP, which, most likely, will be lost. If they applied this money earlier to develop the capacity of Portuguese airports and lower the rates applied to airport operations, as an incentive to stimulate the recovery during the summer of 2021, probably all airlines and all visitors who want to go to Portugal, could take Take advantage of these improvements, ”commented Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary during the Webinar“ Will there be a resumption without air travel? ”, Promoted by JE and the BDC consultant.

O’Leary was part of the panel “Present and future of the sector”, moderated by the deputy director of Jornal Economico, Shrikesh Laxmidas, in which António Moura Portugal, lawyer of DLAPIPER and executive director of RENA, Eugénio Fernandes, CEO of euroAtlantic also participated . Airways, Miguel Frasquilho, president of TAP and José Luís Arnaut, president of ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal.

“When they decided to subsidize TAP with three billion euros, they will not see that money again, and it will do nothing to stimulate the resumption of tourist flows attracted to the Portuguese market, nor will it help to boost the Portuguese economy,” he said. O’Leary.

“They should follow the trend in vogue in European markets, which is to lower the rates charged to tourists who are going to enter each country, at least during the summer of 2021. That would increase the speed of recovery of the Portuguese economy. In this sense, we have continued negotiating with ANA, together with other airlines, to try to lower some of the operating fees that they charge us at Portuguese airports, ”said the CEO of Ryanair.

“Another thing we would like to see is that TAP did not continue to sit on top of grooves which he controls at the Lisbon airport. According to my calculations, TAP reduced its operation by about 20%, which means that next summer there will be grooves available for an increase in activity by other companies, which should access equal increments of slots, of the order of 20% “, commented Michael O’Leary, asking that” they release these grooves for Ryanair and other companies that need to have more grooves to increase its activity in Lisbon. This would increase competition and capacity and would attract more visitors, more tourists to Lisbon ”.
