28 infected in the house of Misericórdia de Oliveira de Frades


The address of the Misericórdia de Oliveira de Frades has at least 28 cases of Covid-19, between users and employees.

Over the weekend, nearly a hundred tests were conducted at Santa Casa after an employee tested positive for the new coronavirus.

The result of the battery of tests, carried out on 55 users and 39 workers, is not yet fully known.

“We have an indication that, possibly, there will be 28 but with the possibility that there will be more because the results of all the tests carried out are not yet known,” explains the technical director of the home, Cristina Diogo.

As soon as the first case was detected in the institution, Santa Casa, in conjunction with the health authorities, “took the necessary measures.”

“We immediately suspended visits and isolated all users in their rooms. The team that was working at that time is the one that is still in service for the ninth consecutive day,” adds Cristina Diogo.

Still in Oliveira de Frades, the GNR post has two infected soldiers. These guards are at home in isolation. Seven colleagues are in quarantine awaiting the exam.

The municipality of Oliveira de Frades already has 59 cases of the disease since the beginning of the pandemic.
