2-year-old boy who drowned in Famalicão is going to bury this Wednesday


This year, the Câmara de Famalicão invested more than 233 thousand euros in the introduction of eight electric vehicles in its fleet, the municipality announced today.

“Sustainable mobility is a challenge for the present,” says the municipality, considering that Famalicão “has a real urban revolution underway in the city, with the rehabilitation of the urban center and the construction of the network of urban cycle lanes, which has the objective is to provide the conditions for a paradigm shift in the use of means of transport, which aims to be as respectful as possible with the environment ”.

It is also in this line of action that the Chamber has also been renewing its fleet of vehicles, betting on the purchase of electric vehicles instead of the classic fossil fuel vehicles ”, the note adds.

The vehicles are at the service of various municipal departments, such as the Department of the Environment, Maintenance and Energy Efficiency Division, among others.

The municipality placed electric recharging points for its vehicles in its facilities, “in a clear sign of a bet that is to stay.”

“The same effort is being felt in the city where there are already eight electric charging stations serving the new reality,” says a press release.

Famalicão was admitted this year as a member of the Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Portugal, a network created in 2016 by the Global Compact Network with the aim of creating alliances for the implementation in Portugal of the 17 Development Goals Sustainable approved in September. 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly.
