194 more people died and more than 4 thousand recovered from the covid-19 in Italy


The latest Italian Civil Protection report, this Saturday, reports on 194 additional deaths from the new coronavirus in 24 hours and 4008 people have been cured.

Italy recorded 194 deaths associated with covid-19 and just over a thousand new cases of infection with the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, data that continues to point to a slowdown in infections.

According to data from the Italian Civil Protection, the country has totaled 30,395 deaths since the beginning of the health crisis in the country on February 21.

With the registration of 1083 new cases in the last 24 hours, the total number of infected people in the country amounts to 218268.

With regard to positive and active cases at the time in the country, the Italian Civil Protection has a total of 84842, 3119 fewer cases compared to the previous day.

Of these active cases, 1,034 people are in intensive care units, a decrease of 134 patients compared to previous data.

The number of people considered recovered and cured increased to 103,031, an increase of 4,008 people from the previous day, the same data reported.
