19-year-old Portuguese hacker threatened to reveal Brazilian government data


The world of Hacking in Portugal is not just Rui Pinto! Recently, a 19-year-old Portuguese hacker even threatened to expose Brazilian government data.

The Judicial Police, in an investigation titled and directed by the Central Department and Investigation and Criminal Action (DCIAP) and in agreement with the Brazilian Federal Police, carried out an international police operation with the aim of causing disorganization in organized groups that operated in cyberspace .

PJ: 19-year-old Portuguese hacker threatened to release Brazilian government data

The Portuguese hacker was arrested yesterday in Ericeira ...

This operation resulted in the identification and arrest of 1 Portuguese citizen, 19 years old, in the national territory, while in Brazilian territory 3 people, between 19 and 24 years old, who were engaged in the practice were identified and detained. Continuation of the crimes of unauthorized access, computer damage and computer sabotage, said the PJ in a statement.

The detainees were part of different criminal networks, now affected by this police operation, and acted in a concerted and transnational manner, attacking state functions, critical infrastructure and diverse economic interests.

The Portuguese detainee will be present before the judicial authorities for the purposes of a first judicial interrogation, in order to apply a measure of coercion.

PJ: 19-year-old Portuguese hacker threatened to release Brazilian government data

Zambrius, a nickname on the internet, was arrested this Saturday at his home in Ericeira. Hours before being detained, Zambrius told a journalist that he could expose data from the Brazilian government. Last Friday, the Portuguese hacker revealed to the “State of São Paulo” that he had a plan to invade the main second instance court in Brazil: “In a few hours we will carry out a massive 'leak' of Brazilian government institutional data. Our hackers 'control' most of the government websites in Brazil, ”he wrote. The email came out with the same address that the hacker had exchanged with the newspaper.

According to Expresso, Zambrius revealed that he was the author of the cyber attack on the computer system of the Superior Electoral Court, on the 15th, during the first round of municipal elections in Brazil. In Portugal, the group he leads, CyberTeam, is suspected of having been behind several cyber attacks, including Altice and to General Budget Directoratedo Ministry of Finance. In Brazil, the group is also responsible for the attack on the computer systems of the Ministry of Health and the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region.

CyberTeam assumes that it does 'hacktivism' against governments, without monetary counterparts.
