1,126 deaths and 27,406 confirmed cases of covid-19 in Portugal


There are already 1,126 deaths and 27,406 cases of covid-19 in Portugal, according to data published this Friday in the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS). 12 more deaths and 138 cases in the last 24 hours.

The DGS epidemiological bulletin this Saturday also indicates that the total number of unconfirmed cases is 242,082 and that there are still 2,955 cases already recovered. There are 26,667 cases under surveillance by the authorities.

The northern region has 15854 cases and 645 deaths; the Center region has 3,581 cases and 215 deaths; Lisbon and the Tagus Valley have 7166 cases and 238 deaths; Alentejo has 235 cases and one death and Algave has 345 cases and 13 deaths. In Madeira there are 90 positive cases and in the Azores there are 135 cases and 14 deaths.

Regarding hospitalized cases, there are 815, of which 120 are in intensive care units.

DGS Newsletter

An outbreak in Azambuja threatens the logistics of half the country

More than one hundred infections in a poultry slaughter unit have alerted a small municipality that lives in a large distribution.

They come from Brandoa, Corroios, São João da Talha, Vila de Franca de Xira, Azambuja and a little bit of all of Greater Lisbon, every day. Thousands, more than eight thousand, are those who daily embrace a large distribution and satellite services in one of the most concentrated logistics operations in the country, in the industrial area of ​​Azambuja. Read the report.

The economy falls between 2.0% to 3.4% in the first quarter

The most recent estimates point to a fall in the economy between 2.0% and 3.4%, in a chain, in the first quarter.

The most recent estimates point to a fall in the economy between 2.0% and 3.4%, in the first quarter, due to the crisis associated with the covid-19 pandemic, according to figures from ISEG, BBVA and Bankinter. Read more here.

Symptoms of the new coronavirus:

Coronavirus - Symptoms

