10 tips from DGS to avoid infections at Christmas


The deputy director general of Health, Rui Portugal, announced at the press conference on the latest data from Covid-19 in Portugal, 10 DGS recommendations for the Christmas season.

Rui Portugal underlines that “this is a track where we have to adapt to the new times”.

Therefore, these are the 10 measures / recommendations of the DGS to avoid the increase in infections at Christmas:

1 – Comply with all the rules in force on this court

2- If you are ill, or any of your family members are ill or in prophylactic isolation, “you have the duty, obligation and solidarity” to remain isolated. However, the necessary support must be given because “physical distance does not mean family or social distance.”

3 – Reduce contacts before the holiday season and during the same period. “Instead of socializing with a large number of people, we should substantially reduce this number of people,” says Rui Portugal.

4 – Reduce all exposure time. Instead of being together four or five hours, stay together for a more limited time of an hour or two or less. Rui Portugal also advises the use of any outdoor spaces that may exist.

5 – DGS asks to minimize contacts outside the home, those who are not partners (brothers, parents, nephews and uncles).

6 – Preferably limit the celebrations to the home. All other contacts should preferably be digitally, on the street or on the stairs, with physical distance.

7 – Always keep a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters in all situations, whether on the move, in kitchens (high-risk places), in meetings and in the rooms that we are sharing. Traditional greetings should always be avoided.

8 – Although larger and more ventilated spaces have greater protection, this does not eliminate the risk, it only reduces it. Rui Portugal asks for frequent disinfection of surfaces.

9 – You should never forget the respiratory label and hand washing. Hands should be washed or disinfected frequently, ensure respiratory hygiene, and use the mask correctly.

10 – Avoid sharing common objects, such as cutlery or glasses. DGS advises limiting the consumption of substances that may cause “further ailment.”
