″ What is happening to Boavista is not very normal ″




Statements by Jesualdo Ferreira after the Boavista-Nacional (0-1) match, on the 18th round of the First League

About the game: “Boavista played a good game and was always up front. The Nacional coach himself recognized that we were better in all the statistics, but we couldn’t score and we suffered as we suffered.”

congratulations: “I went to the locker room to congratulate my players. I told them that, while they are here, it is important that they always play like this, with this attitude and offensive spirit, to be able to discuss the game with any team and I really want things to come.”

Anomaly: “What is happening to Boavista is not very normal. In all matches, there are always events that are difficult to explain. I have nothing to point out to my players, but there are times when there is more serenity and better taking of decisions. necessary “.

History and shots: “This has a lot to do with the history of Boavista since the beginning of the season. There are all the conditions for Boavista to reach the necessary points for his goal. It is required in all games that the athletes work and do what they did today “. Boavista had 14 shots inside the rival area He arrived, stayed and knew how to create situations, but we could not score a goal When things came to that critical moment, 15 minutes from the end, we were left with 10 [expulsão de Javi García, aos 74]. “

Defeats and will: “We lost two games at home like we lost. You know what happened in Tondela, right? And with Santa Clara? It is not easy to influence the players for a certain type of game when nothing happens that is in line with the goal. moments in which I feel they want a lot and others in which they reveal anguish and discouragement. This was one of the defeats that cost me the most, but since Tondela we have had a series of games that have been cut with a clear line of development of the team “.
