″ They are killing those who want to work ″. Hundreds demonstrate for measures to save the restoration


With spirits exalted but controlled, slogans like “They are killing those who want to work”, accompanied either by the Portuguese anthem, or by “Grandola Vila Morena”, the organizers of the demonstration, where chef Ljubomir Stanisic, owner of the restaurant 100 Maneiras, in Lisbon, presented a series of measures to try to save the tourism sector, including catering, events, bars and clubs and hospitality.

“We are fed up with the false promises we have received”, Stanisic said on a makeshift stage just in front of the portico of the Teatro D. Maria II, for several hundred people.

The demonstration, allowed by law despite the curfew, was carried out with the support of the PSP and in a nonpartisan way – as chef Ljubomir Stanisic never tired – it came to demand various measures from the Costa executive through a manifesto that includes workers. hotels, art, culture, small and medium-sized companies, restaurants, private transport, buses.

“Eight months before the government decreed, many of us made the decision to close our establishments in the name of public health, following all the rules when, in May, many opened.” explained Pedro Silver, producer of the event. Which then outlined some of the measures required by the protesters to save professionals from the sectors represented:

Non-reimbursable support to compensate for the losses accumulated during 8 months in the sector of bars and discos, events, restaurants, shops and all direct and indirect suppliers; support for reducing the hours of restaurants and shops; replacement of opening hours of local restaurants, bars and shops; support for the payment of rent; payment of VAT approved automatically in six installments; immediate reinforcement of credit lines, eliminating limitations on access to new lines for those who have already used previous lines; TSU exemption until June 30, 2021; Reduction of the VAT rate until December 31, 2021.
