″ The worst is yet to come ″ for patients without covid, says the president of S. João


The president of the São João hospital, Fernando Araújo, warned this Wednesday that “the worst is yet to come” for non-covid-19 patients, such as oncology patients, whose cases are not to be identified.

In his speech at the National Health Convention, Fernando Araújo, who chairs the board of directors of the largest hospital in the North, even said that “there is a risk that the average life expectancy, which has always been increasing in European countries, start to shrink. ” “.

“Our children can live less than us,” he argued, noting that maintaining care for patients who do not have covid-19 is now “a challenge,” with the search for coronavirus-infected patients joining “Health professionals more tired “or even absent from work, either because they are sick, because they are in quarantine or because they have to be with their children.

Despite the fact that hospitals are “one of the safest places in terms of contagions”, public units are not operating in a network “in a coherent or articulated way” to give “a very sustained response” to the pandemic and everything the rest.

“Many hospitals continue to operate in isolation and this is not the most desirable,” he declared, highlighting that “planning and organization are fundamental, they have been lacking and continue to fail” and that it is necessary to involve private hospitals and social institutions in the net.

The president of the Portuguese Association for Private Hospitalization, Óscar Gaspar, said that the private sector, which provided more than 600 beds to compensate for absences in the public, including 86 beds for patients with covid-19, has already received more than 500 patients transferred from public hospitals. .

“Coordination is with the Regional Health Administrations, but the hospitals define who goes,” he said, highlighting that primary health care is not currently “the gateway to the National Health Service” and proposing that “now and in the future. Future “individuals and social institutions may also be asked to intervene in this sector.”
