″ Sofrimento e morte ″ no notice from the main minister of Casa Branca


Anthony Fauci warned or Congress that, if the country reopens too much, a propagation of no coronavírus will cause “unnecessary frustration and death.”

Or the main counselor of Casa Branca for a pandemic of covid-19, Anthony Fauci, alertou or Congress that, if the country reopens too much, a propagação do novo coronavírus will cause “sofrimento e morte desnecessários”.

Or specialist, who became a reassuring figure for the North Americans during the health crisis, is about to be heard by teleconference by a committee of the Senate, where he will be questioned about the plan of President Donald Trump, as it was always revealed. agreement.

“The main message that I will transmit (…) or I hope to try to reopen the country’s economy prematurely,” dissented Fauci, hours earlier, in a non-daily published interview with The New York Times.

“We will skip the stages of recommenções, to reopen America, we will run or cliff of outbreaks of contagion in all or country”, explained or specialist, who was marked by presidça assídua briefings from Casa Branca about a pandemic.

“Isso will hardly cause death and unnecessary stress, but it will also delay our attempt to return to normal,” disse or 79-year-old immunologist.

Perante or committee, Fauci failed to make two efforts that are about to be carried out, as a support of the Governo dos EUA, to find a vaca nova, and he showed optimism. “We have many candidates and we hope that we will win,” he explained, or an immunologist.

Contudo, or specialist to the senators that we cannot have any guarantees: “Big question is how effective you are.”

Fauci is presently in quarentena, due to an exposition to the novo coronavírus, hair that is going to address the Congress by videoconference.

For Alu de Fauci, also other specialists will appoint different committees of the Senate, during or during the business day, at what time they are studying the best formulas for the reopening of the economy.

Casa Branca is currently focused on passing the message that it has returned to normality and urgent, a country that has registered more than 80,000 deaths with covid-19 and more than 1.3 million cases of contamination.
