″ Quintana’s death affected us a lot. We are human beings “




Statements by Rui Silva (Sporting coach) after the Sporting – Dinamo Bucharest (31-32) match in a delayed match of the seventh round of Group B of the European League

About Quintana: “We wanted to win this game. We are already classified for the next phase. We wanted to win this game to offer it to a great name in handball who passed away today (Alfredo Quintana), but we made some mistakes that we were not allowed to”. to win. Quintana affected us a lot. We are human beings “.

About the game: “In the second half we reacted very well on defense. We managed to stop Dynamo’s attack. We lacked turnover in the team and, at times, in the attack we lacked a bit of intuition. We lacked more oxygen to be able to decide well, but I have nothing to point out in the second half. This is the image we want to give of Sporting, in the first part it was not possible ”.

Another game: “Now we have the game in Germany. We knew that with today’s victory we could be in first place. That now no longer depends only on us. We are going to face group A where two or three teams are already qualified. This European League is so well it’s hard to say who we’d rather face. “
