″ On community transmission ″: 944 new cases in Paços de Ferreira, Lousada and Felgueiras


In the last seven days, 944 new cases of contagion by the new coronavirus were registered in the municipalities of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira.

According to the health authorities of the Grupo Centro de Salud (ACeS) Tâmega III – Vale do Sousa Norte (which covers these three municipalities), in an emergency statement addressed to the population, there were 155 more infected in Felgueiras, 229 in Lousada and 560 in Paços de Ferreira.

The exponential growth in positive cases is due to “worryingly active community transmission”.

In the document, ACeS advises against holding events, meetings of a religious, associative, business, sporting nature, among others, which may involve the gathering of a large number of people, as well as holding family parties / lunches / dinners and / or or friends and celebrations such as weddings, baptisms or communions, among others.

In restaurants, cafes and other dining rooms open to the public, health authorities ask customers to remove their mask only when they are actually eating and to have a maximum capacity of five people per table. definite.

“In institutions / companies and other workplaces, the mandatory use of a mask by everyone and distance must be reinforced, as well as whenever possible, giving priority to teleworking and time lag; in sport, the mask only it should be removed when exercising and avoiding the use of changing rooms; and in health institutions and institutions that support vulnerable social groups, such as homes and nurseries, the use of more advanced personal protective equipment by professionals should be reinforced ” , adds the document.

AceS also asks the population to be aware of possible symptoms related to covid-19, such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, body pain, loss of smell or taste. And that, if you have them, “avoid leaving home” and contact your local health authorities.

The latest report from the General Health Directorate, which presented data by municipality since the start of the pandemic, last Monday, attributed 634 to Felgueiras, 660 to Lousada and 738 to Paços de Ferreira.
