″ Não vou wait f **** alguém da minha família ″, disse Bolsonaro a Moro


“I will not wait f **** someone of my family,” said Jair Bolsonaro at a certain address of Sergio Moro at a certain height, during a ministerial meeting on April 22, which was considered a decisive event for the ex-minister’s complaints. justiça on interference to Palácio do Planalto na federal police.

“Troco todo o mundo da segurança, troco or chefe, troco or minister”, continues or president of the Republic, second non-portal G1 stories of quem já ouviu or video theory.

Or the government delayed complying with the determination of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to allow or vision of its meeting, which Moro, in deposition with the police, affirmed to be the main reason that it was pressured, for reasons of compromising outras passagens.

There are also two stories to tell in Brazil’s press, on another occasion, Ernesto Araújo, minister of foreign affairs, attacks China, or the country’s biggest commercial partner.

Noutra added, to the minister two human directions, Damares Alves, I suggested to the governors’ prison and chiefs in case they continue to be heavy detainees that do not always comply with the recommendations of quarentena.

O minister of education Abraham Weintraub, meanwhile, chama to the members of the STF of “filhos da puta” and said to want you to be imprisoned.
