″ If necessary, we wrap better, but you have to ventilate the houses ″


The general director of Health, Graça Freitas, said, this Tuesday, at a press conference, that the Portuguese have a “greater responsibility” during the Christmas and New Year celebrations to “not go back in the number of cases” of covid – 19 and advised “airing the houses”, suggesting that, “if necessary”, people bundle up better.

The usual press conference to update information on the covid-19 pandemic in Portugal marked the return of the General Director of Health, Graça Freitas, on Tuesday, after having tested positive for the new coronavirus on December 1. The director of the Department of Quality in Health of the General Health Directorate, Valter Fonseca, also participated in the conference.

The overall fatality rate for covid-19 has been “stable” and is currently 1.6%and, over 70 years old, 10%, reported Graça Freitas.

“During this festive season, coexistence can assume great importance in the transmission of the virus. Affects must be transmitted while maintaining physical distance. We have an additional responsibility this holiday season not to decrease the number of cases. The DGS recommends that each of us comply with the regulations established in the respective municipalities. As for isolated people, they should not see other people, or leave the house or receive visitors ”, warned the Director General of Health.

Reduce socializing and ventilating homes

Regarding the measures for the festive season, Graça Freitas once again recalled that people “must always maintain basic hygiene measures, be it physical distance, correct mask correction, hand hygiene or respiratory etiquette” . “We should keep our face-to-face meetings to a minimum. We shouldn’t spend too much time together.”

The official also advised people to “air out the houses.” “We have the idea that we are a very cold country and that we should not open the windows. But we must ventilate the houses. If necessary, we wrap better, but we have to ventilate our houses,” Graça Freitas appealed.

“This Christmas, science and knowledge feed the hope of the whole world with the start of vaccination against covid-19. It is with this hope that I wish you a happy and healthy Christmas. As for vaccination, there are only three words: vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate, “he said.

A new strain of coronavirus has not yet been detected in Portugal

Regarding the new strain of coronavirus detected in the United Kingdom, the director of the Department of Quality in Health of the Directorate General of Health, Valter Fonseca, stated that “the data is still premature, but this variant has a change in one of the proteins of the virus that everything indicates that it seems to increase the transmissibility from person to person. It does not seem to increase the hospitalization or mortality of people yet, “he explained, informing that” this strain has not yet been detected in Portugal. “” Several samples are being continuously monitored and the data shows that this strain has not yet been detected, “he added.

Regarding the impact of this variant of the virus on the efficacy of the vaccine, “there is still considerable scientific uncertainty. Vaccines act by more than one mechanism, produce several types of antibodies and it is possible that even with some mutations, vaccines retain part of its effectiveness. ” The vaccine is expected to maintain some of its effectiveness against this strain. It can be helpful to closely monitor what is going to happen. The goal of vaccination is to reduce mortality and protect the most vulnerable people, ”said Valter Fonseca.

Adverse effects from the vaccine are “relatively rare and mild”

Regarding adverse effects, “the available data show that most of the effects are very mild, as well as rare,” explained the director of the DGS Department of Health Quality. “All vaccines tested showed very high levels of safety. Adverse effects are relatively rare and mild and will be reported to people. Information will be transparent. In addition to effects at the site of administration of the vaccine, joint pain has been reported. , muscle pain and some fever. These are the most frequent symptoms, “he explained.

Regarding the presidential electoral campaigns, Graça Freitas said that “there will be several moments, but the most different moment of all will be the possibility that people in isolation can exercise their right to vote. That was the great news we wanted to give.” . As for the nominations of candidates and political activists, “they are what we all already know. We all know what we need to know to minimize the risk of spreading and contracting the virus,” recalled the Director General of Health.

State figures should not be vaccinated for now

Regarding the vaccination of the State figures and if they will be public moments, Valter Fonseca replied that “the priority for the first sections is directed to health professionals, from homes and similar structures. The data we have shows a great acceptability of these vaccines by health professionals, which are always based on scientific evidence of safety and efficacy. There are no reasons from a scientific point of view why people don’t have confidence in vaccination, ”he said.

“As for health professionals, the goal is to protect the people who take care of us. There is a proposal to start this vaccination, but the vaccination sequence will reach everyone,” the official concluded.
