″ Fernando Santos has to decide ″




The FC Porto coach praised the evolution of the midfielder and addressed the issue of Portuguese nationality.

Stop for selections: “These stops are what they are. In the national team’s commitments there are players who are loaded with minutes and games and who have to go to play friendlies in different countries, which is also exhausting. He clearly wanted to take a break with the players. everyone there [no Olival], not only to recover, but to work and continue with what we have done. It is what it is,. We have to look at this and see the positive side, which is to have the players on the different teams and accept that. We work with those we have here and always in contact with the federations and their medical departments. In a way, they are always close. “

With Portuguese nationality, is Otávio an opportunity for the National Team? “He does not have to evolve to go to the National Team or not. He has to follow his path and evolution as a player. He is a player I worked with before arriving at FC Porto. He has had a fantastic evolution, here or there injuries have delayed a bit that consistency and continuity, which is always important. He is a mature player, who understands what the game is and my ideas. Very important for FC Porto. More or less than the others. It is not for me to know or think about whether he is fit for football to go to the National Team. That is Fernando Santos who has to decide, the country is well served as a coach, an above-average player, with a fantastic career at FC Porto. “
