″ End of Cycle Government ″ and a ″ Nice PM ″. Reactions to António Costa’s message


Shortly after António Costa addressed the traditional Christmas message to the Portuguese, parties with parliamentary seats began to express their reactions.

The deputy Moisés Ferreira, of BE, said that “only words are not enough” and urged the Prime Minister to translate the Christmas message of gratitude “into acts” such as the “immediate” hiring of the National Health Service (SNS). .

“Words alone are not enough. Words have to be translated into acts that have to be coherent. Recognizing the importance of health professionals, in particular the SNS, and then not translating into acts is manifestly insufficient,” he said. Moisés Ferreira.

In a year marked by the covid-19 pandemic, and when he reacted to António Costa’s Christmas message, also focused on the pandemic crisis, the deputy of the blockade said that Portugal “cannot have an SNS with thousands of workers with contracts four months. ” precarious ”and at the same time a“ government that refuses to interfere in anything in the career of health professionals, but thanks them ”.

“On Christmas Eve, many precarious workers are working in the NHS hospitals,” said Moisés Ferreira.

Speaking to journalists at BE headquarters in Porto, the deputy defended the need to carry out a “permanent and immediate hiring” of people with vulnerable ties in the SNS, having also addressed the issue of vaccination and carried out an analysis of the “errors” of the socialist executive of António Costa in managing the fight against the pandemic.
