″ Conditions are met to allow assistance to return to stadiums ″



Filipe Froes emphasizes that “specific legislation for mass events” is necessary.

Filipe Froes, a pulmonologist who collaborated with the League’s medical office with a view to the resumption of football in a pandemic period of covid-19, considers that the conditions for the return of fans to the stadiums in Portugal are met.

“The conditions are met, safely, with prevention, that allow assistance to return to the fields, with certain rules. There needs to be specific legislation for these massive events. There must be a set of rules that is consistent and clear. So that everyone knows what they can do and under what circumstances. My goal is to lay the theoretical foundations that allow attendance to return to the stadiums ”, said Froes, speaking to Sport TV at the entrance of the draws for me and II leagues, in Vila Nova de Gaia.

The pulmonologist also praised the work done to retake the championship last June and conclude it:

“Portugal was one of the countries that took up the remaining 10 games. France had finished the championship. We started shortly after the Bundesliga. What we achieved for the country was due to the example we set in football. I am happy to be a part of this. Soccer has been an example of security for the whole country. Let us all know how to replicate this example. (…) The initial scheme was based on many tests, which are not easy to do. They compare the swab with a brain biopsy, no It is easy, now there is a new phase, the DGS has issued a new orientation. We have to adapt the requirements of professional football to the moment we live in. This document is very important, it is being evaluated, its adaptation involves national and international competitions, “he said. Filipe Froes, who intends to avoid a new halt in activities due to the pandemic at all costs:

“What we have to realize is that it is of the greatest responsibility to adapt our behaviors to the current risk. We have to be able to look forward, the worst that can happen is having to suspend activities again, we have to act with great responsibility and foresight, so that what is done now has only positive repercussions ”, he concluded.
