″ Abnormal summer ″ in Europe with distance on beaches and flights


The specialist Sergio Brusin, from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, anticipates that next summer in Europe “will not be normal”, highlighting the need to keep a distance on the beaches and on flights.

“With some caution, it is possible to start again, but it is also necessary to understand that this will not be a normal season for tourism or travel, it will be a season with a slow reopening of the economy, in which it will be possible to do a little more of what happens today [dado o confinamento]But it will not be a normal summer in Europe, “says Sergio Brusin, ECDC’s chief specialist for emergency response and operations, in an interview with the Lusa agency.

On the gradual resumption of the tourism and transport sectors, the expert says that it is “possible”, but only if the countries “manage to monitor, do good surveillance and have enough beds [nos cuidados intensivos] and sufficient protective equipment for health services, front-line workers and the general population. “

And, noting that “the physical and social distance is working”, the expert recommends that the Member States follow this measure.

The problem is, for example, the option of assigning alternative seats on flights to leave the center seat free among passengers. “In airplanes and in all other modes of transport, such as trains, buses, this is particularly difficult, and each country and each operator must carry out a rigorous risk assessment,” but “if it is possible to maintain a reasonable physical distance, the risk decreases, “explains Sergio Brusin.

The same applies to beaches, according to the expert, for whom “this type of measure [de distanciamento] it will work anywhere, be it touristy or not. “

“If social distance is possible in a large square in a certain city, it will also result in a beach, in the streets. What we do know is that people should not be physically close to avoid transmitting the virus in this way”, Sergio Brusin insists.

And he compares: “If you are walking on a crowded street in Lisbon, it will be as bad as being on a crowded beach in Marbella [Espanha]”

When asked about the possibility of placing partitions in beaches and restaurants, Sergio Brusin explains that “it depends a lot on the configuration” because only if people are “two meters or more away” do they have “a very low risk of transmitting the illness”. .

“If you want to do it with a glass partition or by placing tables further away from each other, it is almost the same and it always depends a lot on the space available, the local situation, if there is wind or humidity, if it is a closed or open space”, she lists .

Still, he leaves the caveat: “There are several things that can reduce risk, but none can guarantee that there is no risk.”

“The big conclusion is that you have to keep your distance. If you can keep your distance, things will go much better. And we have seen this in the last few months, [porque] when these measures were applied, the number of cases decreased, “concludes Sergio Brusin.
