″ A stepmother saw a coffee ask the girl and she was dead ″


“How is it possible to do this to a 9-year-old girl? … And that bandit around like nothing happens, how much or how little are you looking for in these foreign fields.”

Sunday afternoon, at the café “Forno da Vila”, in Atouguia da Baleia, Peniche, the popular davam voice to revolt undamaged case that trouxe that small parish of nine thousand inhabitants for the two day laborers.

Paulo Franco, or proprietário do café, was, ainda assim, two more quiet people, I tied, because, as JN continued, “in spite of the fact that you are not bem”, Sandro Bernardo considered “a man who was educated and always calm as a girl.” He says that, despite two rumors running about alleged drug relatedness, he never died or was presumed to be a murderer to drink beer. “” Here, it was just coffee and tobacco. Nothing more, “he says.

I did not enter, re-record the events of the last two days, or an entrepreneur confessed that he had something strange: “He gave them a house less than 100 meters from the café. Now, he said that he disappeared from the man, it was logical to see my logo ask here Someone who has seen me, I tied because I have not been in this state because of him. But it was only 14 hours after I saw my stepmother. “

Um casal “estranho”

In shock, like your clients, more often than not, he seemed “very strange”, he concluded that, finally, “he saw a stepmother or coffee asking the girl and she was dead.” Ca fora, popular não dão o benefício da dúvida. “Então saw people of more than 100 kilometers to procure menina and ele [o pai] Was I here like nothing happens? “asks Carlos Santos, who actively participated in the last few days.

O environment that occurs when, later in the day, a car from Polícia Judiciária, as a country of Valentina, and alleged homicide, stops for the reconstitution of crime.

“Assassino! Monster! Deviam was turning you over to povo.” A emoção two presents loose-se semredeas. Há quem não contenha as tears, quem chegue para deixar flores. Others insisted that the house was “estranho”, as well as everyone assuming that “none of them conferred bem”, because Sandro e Márcia resided in a local place for less than one year. A popular approach is to two reporters, so as not to be identified, to tell that “the [a madrasta] it was an extravagant bite. “E vai mais longe:” Ye do gostavam muito das festas … da noite. “

“It was a little girl twelve”

A noite já ameaça fall when Márcia Bernardo sai da casa onde o crime ocorreu. Just like or husband, and offered with a chorrilho of insults. “Assassina!” he, ainda assim, two more soft.

After three days of anguish, in Valentina’s collective memory or innocent sorriso. Paulo Franco conhecia-o bem das idas ao café: “It was a girl twelve. Always be willing, as a sorriso. It was a sympathy.
