Pompeo: ‘Significant opportunity’ Senior Russian officials were behind Naval poisoning

“That’s why people around the world see this kind of activity,” he said. “And when they see an attempt to poison dissidents, and they accept that this is a real chance that this has really come from senior Russian officials, I think this is not good for the Russian people. I think it is not good for Russia. “

He added: “I think people see this and say that these are not countries that want to be in power, that want to be important and want to play on the global stage, this is not the way they should participate in the activity. They should promote freedom and democracy. “

The Trump administration is reluctant to blame the attack on a 44-year-old anti-corruption activist. President Donald Trump called the episode “tragic” but said there was not enough evidence to find out what happened.

Navalny was admitted to hospital after feeling sick on a domestic flight to Russia in late August and was later flown to Berlin for treatment. The German government later said he had been poisoned by a Novichok chemical nerve agent.

Pompeo condemned the poisoning in an August 25 statement, but did not point a finger directly at the Russian government.

“If the reports prove to be accurate, the United States supports the EU’s call for a comprehensive investigation and is ready to assist in that effort,” the statement said.

Pompeo also signed the joint Statement Through the foreign ministers of the G-7 member states, Russia demanded transparency on who was responsible for the attack. The G7 statement said its signatories focused their attention on Russia’s handling of the episode and undermined the country’s commitment to combat the use of chemical weapons.

“The attack on opposition leader Naval is another blow to democracy and the political majority in Russia,” the statement said. “It poses a serious threat to the men and women who are engaged in defending the political and civil liberties that Russia itself has guaranteed.”

Nahal Tusi contributed to this report.