Pokemon Go will increase its level cap for the first time in four years

If you are still playing Pokemon Go Four years after setting mobile gaming records for the first time (and near-record revenue numbers in July indicate that there are plenty of you out there), you’ve probably hung on to the Level 40 game experience cap for a while. If so, you’ll be happy to hear that as part of an upcoming branded update, the level cap will be raised to level 50, for the first time. Pokemon Go Beyond.

“Leveling up is the most important and meaningful aspect of the game,” Nintendo product manager Philip Lay said during a press presentation. “Reaching the current 40 caps is a ‘badge of honor’ that other trainers will recognize. Some have reached it many times. Now is the right time. [to increase that cap]. Many dedicated players have achieved many goals and [are] Looking for new challenges. “

While not discussing the exact time for the Nantic Level Cap update (“coming soon”), the company said trainers who hit the current Level 40 cap by midnight on December 31 will receive a “Legacy 40 Trainer” badge and additional “special awards.” . ” It indicates that the suggestion of passing 40 years will be available in early 2021, if not at the end of the year. Some of Australia’s lucky Level 40 players will test a new level cap next week.

If you haven’t reached level 40 yet, Nintendo can do it to help you get there. Starting November 30, every action in the game will be “rebalanced” to give it more XP than that. And by the end of the year, catching Pokemon from November 18th will be twice as much as normal XP. During the “12 Days of Friendship” event starting November 18th, you’ll be able to open more gifts each day and quickly increase your level of friendship as each gift unfolds.

If you have already hit level 40, any additional experience you store after hitting the cap will count towards reaching new high levels immediately. But XP alone is not enough to get level 40, even in subsequent levels players will have to complete new level-up research tasks, such as making “excellent” throws or developing all variations of the EV, for example.

“Once you hit [Level] 40, the ‘endgame’ experience should be like a new game, “said senior game designer Matt Ene in a press Q&A. You need more than XP. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. “

A higher trainer level also means empowering your top Pokemon at a higher level as well. But to do so will require a new “Candy XL” item, which can be obtained by grabbing Pokemon or by “Convert and Combine” standard candy. Trainers who have not yet reached the 40 level will also see new, higher caps to power up their Pokemon.

A sign of the times

Beside the new level cap, the “Beyond” update will also feature a rollout of the new Pokemon from the Kalos region, first seen in 2013. Pokemon X. And Y. The update will also introduce a new calendar lander-sensitive “asons tuo” system, where various Pokemon become more or less common depending on the actual season in the outside world. This system will also reflect differences in the hemisphere, so Pokemon that are common in northern winters may be unusual during a simultaneous southern summer.

This is how the “Beyond” update changes Pokemon Go More and more people are struggling to stay at home during the COVID-19 epidemic and stay fit to play due to avoiding group gatherings. During 2020, Nintendo has rolled out a number of updates that “prioritize … Pokemon Go features and experiences that can be enjoyed in individual settings … based on current global health status.”

“2020 is rough on everyone in different ways,” said Veronica Saron, Niantic Product Marketing Manager. “Our team had a bunch of plans coming up this year that we were very excited about, but when the world changed in 2020 we had to be the main ones. Over the last year we came as a team to meet our fans where they were. We are confident that despite the time, we will continue to bring the best experiences for trainers around the world. “

Image list by Nintendo