Pleiades is the star of the November sky with a partial lunar eclipse at the end of the month

Chances are you’ll come across some products during the month called celestial objects. One notable brand is the Subaru car. His badge includes six stars, one of which is now more popular, and that is Insignia, adopted by a consortium established in the 1950s by Japanese manufacturers. Subaru is also the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus.

The compact swarm is often better known as the Seven Sisters and now it appears above the eastern skyline after dark, with five or six bright members easily visible at first glance. Some observers have suggested that it looks like a smaller version of the plow, which is a very good description.

While some extra stars can be taken from the aidless eye, it is with binoculars that the plaids are really spectacular. The field is marked by the numerous shining shards of cut crystals and the blue-white light of this sunshine in their youth.

The cluster is about 115 million years old and about 445 light-years away, so the light we see this month began just before Galileo, who made the first sketch of Pleiades by telescope in the winter of 1609/10. A picture of his great work Cedarius Nunius shows two dozen stars.

Now that we know about the more than a thousand individuals in the group, they are all born in the same area of ​​space. Over time, the gravitational influence of our galaxy will disrupt the cluster and the plaids will go their separate ways. Long exposure photographs illuminate a scene floating in gas and dust by starlight, but this is an opportunity with this international cloud, which has long since disintegrated the cluster’s own embryonic material.

Because of their proximity to the celestial equator, the plaids are visible around the world and woven into various legends, as well as the descriptive names listed in a gym’s foci clearer latiolecta, (“brood” or “clutch”), a stroilin ” , And tridin (“flox”). Indeed, the resemblance of the flight of birds is noted by many early cultures.

For the spirit of balm the Piliads were often associated with the coldest of the months or the beginning of the festive days, as their culmination at midnight was in the midst of winter and, for the feudal Druids of Sanhain. The appearance of the cluster has yet to be estimated by some natives as to whether it will be too wet or dry to plant the crop, when they were also asked to depict the sealing season in the Mediterranean.

Easy to ignore in Taurus is another prominent star cluster called Hyde. This more scattered group has a V-shaped pattern pointing away from the orange star Aldebaran, which itself is not a member because it is only half a distance away. Hydes is much older than the Plaids and is a laboratory for testing the theory of stellar evolution.

In Greek mythology, Pleiades is the daughter of Atlas and Plion, six of the seven married gods. The rest of the daughter Merop was said to have passed away after marrying a mortal. Interestingly, we find references to this “lost” plaid in stories all over the world. Some have suggested that the star has suffered a real loss of luminosity in the past, but other stories mention a different plaid missing. The riddle still lingers, as the beautiful sisters continue to captivate and enchant this evening.

The last quarter of the moon falls on November 8th, the first quarter on November 15th and the 22nd, with a full moon on the 30th, coupled with a partial punctual lunar eclipse.

These types of eclipses are more subtle because the moon only sinks into the more diffuse outer parts of the Earth’s shadow falling into space.

Th0 mini morning.3. The eclipse will start at 8 o’clock but you will not see anything near Chandramati at 1.15 in the morning. He hopes to be more honest and counts the lunar glare to be muted when it comes down, which can help emphasize any minor staining near the top of his disc. We will lose the maximum of the eclipse here only at 9.42 am, as it occurs after the lunar eclipse from here.

Mercury only appears in the morning sky during November, but is above the southeastern sky at 6.45am on the 10th. It can be found at the bottom left of Venus at this time and near Spica, but is slightly brighter than the stars. It also acts as a guide when the moon approaches the morning of the 13th and 14th.

Venus rises three hours before the sun during the month and dominates the eastern sky before the first blush of the dawn appears. It seems to reduce the daily distance to Mercury but will not come close to 12 degrees (slightly longer than the width of a fist of arm length) on the 13th. As Mercury dips toward the Sun, their split remains stable for about a week before widening again.

Mars is turning in the rear-view mirror to talk, as Earth has now overtaken it in our fast orbit. But the planet still smokes bright orange in the eastern sky with darkness falling and remains on the scene for the opening hours. The Gibbous Moon is closer to Mars on the 25th.

Jupiter and Saturn fit the same low-power binocular field view in early November, but by the end of the month the distance is the same, as the distance between them gradually narrows. The two planets could meet southwest this evening and set up after 8 p.m. On the 19th look at them above the moon.

The two meteor showers active during November are Leonids and Northern Taurus. Previous rates are usually very low during its peak on the 16th but reach peak levels every 33 years or so when the associated parent comet returns to the internal solar system, which occurs further in 2032.

Northern Taurus reaches a maximum on the night of November 11 and also generally exhibits low rates. But they can spring up surprisingly and sometimes achieve slow-moving bright fireballs.


The new launch date for the next crew dragon mission to the International Space Station was set immediately after the October article was published. The mission will now depart on November 11 and take the station with four additional members of the latest expedition crew.

The ISS’s Morning Pass runs until November 9 after which it turns to the evening sky from 20 p.m. Predictions for your location can be counted on the paradise above.

Named after the Chinese moon goddess, Chang is a Chinese lunar exploration series that began in 2007 when Chang reached the lunar orbit. Chang5 is a robotic sample return mission that is set to begin in late November. Current plans are to collect about 2 kg of material from the lunar surface to return to Earth later.

John Flannery is a longtime amateur astronomer with an interest in history and astronomy and is an astronomical phenomenon observable to the naked eye. He is a member Irish Astronomical Society