PlayStation State Of Play: Everything we saw, including PS5 games

Sony’s last State of Play event took place on August 6th. But while all eyes are on PS5, as we prepare to launch the next generation, the event focused mostly on PS4 content. This included taking a look at previously announced games, but we also learned release dates and even saw a new version of one of the most beloved indie titles of the last generation. PlayStation VR even got some love with a great take on a classic stealth franchise.

You can view the stream directly here and the announcements and revelations below. We also provide some information about the displayed games, including brand new game announcements.

What was shown and announced

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s about time

Toys For Bob opened the show with a look at Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, showing the area Insanity Beach. It also highlighted wall-runs and other capabilities in the platforming such as the new look for the characters. Outfits are also added, and you can earn them throughout the game. There are also no microtransactions, and you can play as multiple characters, including Dingodile. There’s also a new “N. Verted mode” that changes the feel of the game. It seems like classic Crash gameplay mixed with new school design choices, and it has a lot of callbacks for fans.

Hitman 3

IO Interactive made an appearance at the event with Hitman 3. The game will have a PlayStation VR mode in first person perspective, giving you a whole new way to experience their creative kills. The content of all three games will support the mode. Yes, you can also do any mission in VR from the previous two games.

Braid: Anniversary Edition

The following gameplay featured during the presentation featured live action footage – if anything – and included several examples of time progress and regression. As it turned out, the creative trailer for Braid: Anniversary Edition was released in 2021. Areas have been changed to show them more on paintings.

The Pathless

Giant Squid’s The Pathless was shown with gameplay captivating on a PS5. It is a mythical adventure game set in a forest, and features a creative archery mechanic who fills a meter, which is used to quickly traverse the landscape. Timing replaces directing sights in the traditional sense so you can stay in constant motion. You can also fly using a bird friend, but you need to pet it to keep it in top shape.

Spelunky 2

The long-awaited Spelunky 2 appeared during State of Play, and creator Derek Yu discussed how the development team has balance including new features while understanding what worked for it. The sequel will include online multiplayer and you will build a community in the game as you discover more characters. You will also find hidden passages and you can choose from branching paths as you continue. The game releases September 15th.

Aeon Must Die

A game from Limestone Games and Focus Home Interactive, Aeon Must Die is an intense 2D action game with an aesthetic of Saturday morning. It seems to be a dark and very stylistic recording of the genre, and it includes reactive sequence and many demonic enemies. The game will be released on PS4.

Anno Mutationem

An adventure game with 2D and 3D segments and a unique mix of pixels and 3D art, Anno Mutationem is an intense melee-focused adventure that looks to place a heavy emphasis on storytelling.


We could not go a full presentation without Bugsnax, and it appeared about halfway through. The game has a first-person point of view as you, a journalist, explore the island and learn about the various Bugsnax that occupied it. You have to enter characters’ favorites, and even use traps to capture certain creatures. The game will have a physical map to keep you on course as well.

Star Wars: Father Immortal

Coming to PSVR after being previously launched on Oculus devices, Star Wars: Vader Immortal lets you control your power and light-heartedness as you battle the legendary sith lord Darth Vader. It will be released on August 25th.


One of the most acclaimed games of last year, Control is back with new DLC. Awe is the second expansion and it will be available this month. It seems to deliver even more mind-bending action and mystery, just like we saw in the base game.

The pedestrian

A quirky platforming game that uses characters and images, you play as a little stick figure person in xx. The game also has puzzle elements as you try to make a path, and it’s coming to PS4 in 2021.

Hood: Outlaws & Legends

A new PS5 game, Hood: Outlaws & Legends is from Sumo Newcastle and Focus Home Interactive. The medieval game is dark and busy, and it contains “wraiths” who practice defending to stab their enemies. They promised to take back what was stolen and consider themselves heroes.


The Pokemon-like TemTem was featured, and it’s coming to PS5. Previously gaining traction on PC, the game has online play and an easy-to-use communication system so players can interact with each other. It’s coming in 2021.


The action-RPG Godfall got a new demonstration of gameplay to end the show. Caught on a PS5 development kit showed the gameplay of a fast-moving system that uses dashing to go in and out of danger. It supports cooperative play with up to two others, and the world is divided into Earth, Water, Air and Fire Rooms. There are no microtransactions in the game, and there is a “crazy god” waiting to be challenged. You will be rewarded for playing aggressively, and there are five different weapon classes to try out.

Microsoft is also expected to hold another Xbox event in late August, hot on the heels of the late July presentation that saw the gameplay reveal of Halo Infinite. It has been suggested that Microsoft’s event will be aimed at its much-anticipated second console gen-gen, named Lockhart, but no official announcement has been made yet.

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Spilet no: PlayStation State of Play Livestream – 6 augustus 2020