PlayStation 5 wrestles with 4K gaming, expect to see ‘fake 4K’ games

We should expect some real 4K faking as both consoles of next gen are here, but the slower of the two – the PlayStation 5 – looks like it’s going to battle in 4K and that gamers might be “disappointed” by some major third-party games “fake 4K“match.

Good people, get ready to be “disappointed” with some of the third-party games on the PlayStation 5, with some fake 4K gaming coming our way according to industry insider Jeff Grubb and his latest comments on from Basement Radio Arcade Podcast.

It looks like AMD SmartShift technology within the PlayStation 5 will cause some issues. Grubb said game developers are having a hard time thinking about Sony’s decision to use a variable frequency approach in the PS5 (via AMD SmartShift) and that many third-party PS5 games will leave you disappointed.

Grubb explains: “The technology that Sony uses for the PS5 is AMD SmartShift and … many people just assume that the PS5 will be right there with the Xbox Series X, and it could be, I do not know for sure, I I’m not developer, but this SmartShift tech is weird I think. What it does do is move power between the CPU and the GPU and developers have not had to worry about that in the past, especially on consoles“.

He continues: “This could prove difficult at least at launch, to the point where you can start getting stories from Digital Foundry or whatever say “Y’know, the PS5 version is actually kind of wack.” That will fix over time, developers will invent it, Sony will invent it and explain to developers “here’s something to do”, but my understanding is that they are not doing that yet and that is the problem. That, you go into launch, and people [could be] disappointed, with, like, Madden, NBA 2K, Call of Duty. That could leave a bad taste in people’s mouths“.

PlayStation 5 wrestles with 4K gaming, expect to see 'fake 4K' games 01 |


  • What is AMD SmartShift? A quick rundown of AMD’s new SmartShift technology, something that debuted in the Renoir APU earlier this year – and within the PlayStation 5. It’s a very smart TDP management system that can dynamically adjust resources between the Ryzen CPUs and Radeon GPU. If the CPU is used more in a particular task than a game, then SmartShift will provide more TDP (power) to the CPU. If the GPU does the heavy lifting, SmartShift will – well, transfer the power to the GPU to let it do its thing.

It seems that the PlayStation 5 will be more expensive, and slower console – leaving the Xbox Series X to be the cheaper, and also faster console. Interesting.
