Planet bigger than the two professional football fields passing through Earth today, September 14 – Technology News, FirstPost

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a “potentially dangerous” asteroid is set to pass through Earth on September 14.

Known as the 2020 QL2, the asteroid has a diameter of 30.48 cm. (393 feet), which is wider than two professional American football fields placed together. According to the information Provided by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the rock is believed to fly over our planet at a speed of 6,66.2,556 kilometers per hour. The planet will come close to 6.7 million kilometers on Earth.

    Larger asteroids than the two commercial football fields passing through Earth today, September 14

Known as the 2020 QL2, the asteroid has a diameter of more than 393 feet which is wider than the two professional American football fields placed together. Image Credit: State Farm / Flickr

The space agency, with its vast size and proximity to near-Earth (NEO), however, is unlikely to hit our homeworld, the space agency confirmed. NASA defines it. NEO as a space object. Its distance is less than 1.3 astronomical units (AU). Here, the perihelion is the point where the earth is closest to the sun.

Although comets can also be objects close to Earth, NASA says most of them are NEO asteroids. Potentially dangerous asteroids (PHAs), on the other hand, are those that have a minimum Earth orbit intersection distance (MOID) of 0.05 u (or 7.4 million kilometers) or more and a diameter of more than 460 feet.

This planet will pass through our planet about 15 days after the second potential Dangerous asteroid known as ‘2011 ES4’ Went over our planet. The space rock came close to 1.5 million kilometers from Earth and NASA said it was approaching a planet the size of it in the next ten years. The asteroid was between 22 and 50 meters wide and passed by us on September 1st.
