Pink embraces her “Thunder Thighs” on Body Positive Instagram

  • Pink, 40, just shared an Instagram photo of herself surfing with a body-positive message.
  • The singer said God gave her “thin thighs” because he knew she would use them.
  • This is not the first time that Pink himself has encouraged love.

    Pink talks again about body positivity. On Tuesday, the singer shared an action shot of her surfing a wave, and made some pretty powerful comments about her body in the title. “I have always wondered why God gave me thunder legs. That’s the reason he knew I would use them, ‘she wrote in the post, adding a hashtag that reads “strong is my goal.”

    Fans of Pink flooded the post with support. ‘Man, I’ll be so stuck if we get rid of vanities and recognize the POWER in our capacities and what our bodies allow us to do !! Thank you! 💪🏻❤️☀️, ”wrote one of.

    “Thank you for sharing such a simple yet inspiring message. Find it great! ”Added another.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may find the same content in a different format, or you may find more information on their website.

    This is not the first time that Pink himself has encouraged love. Just last year, they opened their doors Billboard about how her body image has changed over the years. While filming the music video for her 2013 song “Just Give Me a Reason”, she reminds herself back in the fitting way that she was fat.

    “I was so thin,” Pink said Billboard. “We’re doing this to ourselves, and we need to stop it,” she said. “And now I’m almost 150 pounds, and I look great.”

    In 2017, Pink accepted the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the VMAs, and in her speech, she shared how she taught her eight-year-old daughter, Willow, to embrace who she is. The singer did it a while back when Willow said she was “the smallest girl I know” and “looks like a boy with long hair.”

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may find the same content in a different format, or you may find more information on their website.

    ‘I went home and made a Powerpoint presentation for her. And in that presentation, there were androgynous rock stars and artists living their truth, “Pink said. Then she asked her daughter how she thinks her mother looks, and Willow replied that she thinks she’s beautiful.

    ‘And I said to her,’ Do you see me growing my hair? “She said, ‘No, Mom.’ I said, ‘Do you see me changing my body?’ “No, Mom.” ‘Do you see me changing the way I present myself to the world? “No, mother.” ‘Do you see me selling arenas all over the world?’ “Yes, Mama,” Pink shouted back. ” Okay! That, girl. We do not change. We take the gravel and the shell and we make a pearl. And we help other people to change so they can see more kinds of beauty. ‘”

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