Pictures of Trump working at the hospital are PR stunts, critics say

  • The White House released photos showing Trump working hard at Luther Reed Medical Center, where he is being treated in COVID-19.
  • These images were created to show the President on the path to recovery, as conflicting information about his condition has emerged.
  • But critics say the pictures are a publicity stunt, and were taken 10 minutes apart.
  • In one photo, the president signed a blank sheet with a sharp marker, White House correspondent Andrew Feinberg said.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

The White House on Saturday night unveiled pictures of President Donald Trump working hard at the Donald Litter Reed Army Medical Center to reassure Americans about the president’s health following his COVID-19 diagnosis.

An image shows the president, wearing a white shirt, working in a conference room in a set of rooms set aside for the president at the hospital, the White House said.

Another photo released by the White House shows the president signing a document in the hospital’s presidential suite wearing a blue blazer and shirt.

In a tweet Saturday evening, the president’s eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, shared a picture of the president with the message: “Nothing can stop them from working for the American people. Beware!”

“This guy is a machine. RealDonaldTrump Getting a job at Walter Reed, ‘tweeted Ben Williamson, White House senior communications adviser.

But critics have pointed to aspects of the images that show they may be more of a propaganda stunt than evidence that the president is recovering and is capable of carrying out the president’s responsibilities.

In a series of tweets, the digital aviation publication, John Ower Strawer, chief of Air Current, noted that according to information provided by the Assoc Associated Press, the photos were taken just 10 minutes apart in five minutes. Saturday: 25:59 and 5:30:40 p.m.

But the images were taken in a separate room, with the president wearing a blazer in one photo and a shirt in the other.

Andrew Weinberg, a White House correspondent for the outlets, including The Independent, noted that in one image Trump signed his name on a blank sheet of paper with Sharpie.

The pictures were released Saturday to reassure Americans about the president’s health, as conflicting information emerged from official sources of information and rumors escalated.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In a video released Saturday, Trump said he was feeling “better than ever” and praised the medical staff for the care he would receive.

“We’re working hard to bring me back all the way,” he said. “I have to come back because we still have to make America great again.”

Trump’s chief doctor, Navy Commander Dr. Sean Conley, said in a press briefing on Saturday that the president’s condition was improving, his fever had subsided, and he was not being given more oxygen. Conley, however, would not say whether the president needed supplemental oxygen at any time.

But Chief of Staff Mark Meadows later told reporters about the president’s condition that it remains serious: “We are not yet on a clear path to a full recovery.”

This And Washington Washington Post lAter reported that Trump was offended by Meadows’ remarks, and ordered aides to give a more positive account of his condition.