You will have a stimulating need to put yourself first


You may want to run and grow fast, according to your weekly horoscope, but you need to take your time before quickly moving on to transformation. Change is difficult. It takes time. You have to show that you are willing to evolve before taking on a new role this week.

The Sun of Virgo and Pluto, which is retrograde in Capricorn, connect on September 14. This will bring out your passions. Venus, which is in Leo, and Uranus, which is retrograde in Taurus, will make you feel intoxicating for others on the 15th. The Virgo sun faces the Destiny Nodes on September 16 and pushes you to make decisions. Virgo’s new moon on September 17 will give you a new way of thinking and feeling. The sun and Saturn, which is retrograde in Capricorn, will make you rethink your actions from the previous day. And then Mercury, which is in Libra, and Jupiter, which is in Capricorn, will open and expand your mind on the 17th.

Scroll down to read your weekly horoscope. Make sure to look at your rising sign as well.


Taking the right path is divine, but it can be frustrating when you know that you are 100% right. Find a balance by affirming your views to others so that you can let them know how you feel, be in their power, and willingly use compassion as a compass instead of creating drama.


It is never too late to reach out and connect with your loved ones, even if you have struggled with them in the past. Be open to evolving and growing the relationship. Then you can mend them and let the friendship reach its full potential.


Everyone needs time to relax and decompress. However, it needs a lot of R&R this week. Before you feel anxious about not being able to do a million things at once, take a break from stress and relax. You deserve a break, Gemini.


Reinforce your daily activities by following a schedule. Don’t let anything get in the way of accomplishing the tasks at hand this week. Be severe and control your time to avoid being distracted by everything you need and have to do (which is a lot).


Defining and setting your boundaries with others is important at this time. Before you give in, once again, to the needs of your friends and family, make sure you take care of yourself first.


Keep your power this week, Virgo. Before you start questioning yourself and your needs. Remember that you are a brilliant person who can manifest anything you want. Don’t let anyone steal your genius. Only you can bring out your dreams and wishes.


Think about what makes you (and only you) happy this week. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of finding your true joy and personal satisfaction. Once you identify where and how you can find fulfillment, you can move towards pure emotional well-being without hesitation.


Your friends have a lot to say about your SO, which is creating confusion about your feelings in your heart and mind. Get away from their noise and their entrance. Focus on how the person you like makes you feel. Then you can make the right decision that is best and most suitable for you,


Change is coming to you whether you like it or not. Embracing personal growth will allow you to transform your views, feelings, and ideology. Not only that, but you will also like the person you are becoming in the process. Let this inner evolution guide you into the next phase of your life.


You have achieved fame and recognition in your career. Now, you are thinking about getting rid of the need to be number one for a less chaotic life. While this can be challenging, because of your innate determination to always be the best, you are seeing that you inherently want a fuller life.


As a natural giver, you put others before yourself, which is a lovable quality. The caveat for placing second is that you may become resentful about not receiving the same amount of TLC in return. Reduce a little. Then you won’t get hurt when other people don’t reciprocate.


You can’t make everyone happy, no matter how hard you try. However, you can compromise and negotiate how much energy and time you spend with others. This will ensure that you give all that you can now, even if you can’t give it all, to your loved ones.
