What’s Next for Donald Trump’s Children?


Trump’s presidency has been a family affair, and as Donald Trump’s star falls, his children also find their future uncertain.

Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are White House employees, senior advisers to the president, and will be looking for a new job in January.

When Trump took office, he left his adult sons, Donald Jr and Eric, to run the Trump Organization. If you decided to take back control of your business, they might be less busy too.

It is not beyond the possibilities that Trump’s departure from the White House will lead to the start of a Trump political dynasty. All of his sons have been loyal throughout and could try to take over, running for the Republican nomination in 2024.

For some time it was assumed, including Trump himself, that if Trump’s torch was passed, it would go to Ivanka, who would seek to become the first female president of the United States.

Donald Trump Jr.

But for the past four years, and particularly after the election, it is Trump Jr. who has emerged as his father’s most likely political successor.

The 42-year-old, the most conservative of boys, has embraced and amplified the president’s inflammatory style of speech, calling for a “total war” and a “fight to the death” for the elections.

He is almost as popular with Trump’s rank and file as his father, and even more outspoken on Twitter. A Trump aide described Trump Jr as the “emotional center of the MAGA universe.”
