Voting 2020: 10 Tips for Safe Voting on Election Day


Standing in a slow queue at a polling station certainly increases your risk of contracting Covid-19, especially when there is no guarantee that people around you will wear masks.

“Where possible, alternative voting options, which minimize contact between voters and poll workers, should be available to people with Covid-19, those who have Covid-19 symptoms, and those who have been exposed,” the spokesman said. .

Having a plan to reduce your risk before starting the waiting marathon is essential. Here’s your cheat sheet for a more secure voting experience.

1. Spend most of your wait outside

Being outdoors is definitely safer than indoors because any air flow helps dispel the virus. So try to find a polling place that keeps waiting indoors to a minimum.

“Historically, my polling place ends with a two-way line going up and down a large enclosed hallway, which is not something you would like to do at this time,” said Dr. Marybeth Sexton, assistant professor of medicine in the division. . of infectious diseases at Emory University in Atlanta, in a previous interview.

“You also want to vote in a location that has a separate entry and exit point to minimize crowding in the space. Any time spent inside should be minimized,” he said.

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The safest places will be large sites with good ventilation, such as school gyms, community recreation centers, convention centers and large parking lots, according to the guidelines of the Brennan Center and the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
  • Tip: Do not vote in person if your polling place is located in a high-risk facility, such as a nursing home.

If you’re disabled, not feeling well, or at extremely high risk for serious complications from Covid-19, you may be able to take advantage of curbside voting in some states. If you’re lucky enough to have that option, make sure poll workers wear gloves, a face shield, and a mask before rolling down the window.

2. Vote at a less busy time of day

A well-protected poll worker in Newton, Mass., Reduces the risk of voting.  Do your part by wearing a mask and social distancing.

Traditionally, people are more likely to try to vote before or after work or at lunchtime. If you can target mid-morning or early mid-afternoon, you may find fewer lines.

Stay in touch with local friends on Facebook or on a neighborhood site like Nextdoor. People will often post updates on crowds at different times of the day, which you can use to plan your trip.

  • Tip: Make a list of several local polling stations and drive over to see the line before parking.

3. Avoid rideshare services, crowded buses or trains

If you can’t drive, don’t compromise on your safety by using rideshare or crowded buses or trains, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.If possible, opt for public or private services that will pick you up individually.

“Seniors or people with disabilities can get help getting to their polling place,” writes the CDC. “Check to see if private ridesharing companies, volunteer organizations or public transportation in your city offer these services in your area.”

Try to avoid touching items inside the car or transportation as much as possible, and use hand sanitizer if you do, adds the CDC. If possible, open all available windows.

  • Tip: Since there will likely be a long wait in line, be sure to bring water and possibly a folding chair.

4. Choose your mask carefully

Be picky about your mask. Don’t wear anything that you can hold and see through. In fact, studies have shown that cotton masks with two or three layers of fabric are more protective than single-layer masks or bandanas. A recent study found that bandanas and gaiter masks are less effective at protection.
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Be especially wary of N95-like masks sold at major retailers, Sexton said.

“Some of those N95 masks have exhalation valves in them, “Sexton said, adding that” they can actually make things worse because you focus your breath on that valve, allowing it to pass with some force and the droplets can travel a little further. ” Therefore, we strongly recommend that people do not wear a mask that has an exhalation valve. “

If you must remove your mask for any reason, such as to have a drink of water, use hand sanitizer before and after, the CDC says, and bring an extra mask in case the first one gets wet or dirty.

5. Cover your nose, please

It’s not safe to stand in line with your muzzle exposed even if your mouth is covered, experts say.

This is because wearing a mask over the mouth but leaving the nose exposed defeats the purpose of a mask, studies have shown. Since the vast majority of us do not breathe through our mouths, the virus is more likely to enter by breathing through our noses.

If your mask is reusable, be sure to throw it into the washing machine when you get home for a thorough cleaning before using it again.

6. Follow the rules of social distancing

Being at least 6 feet away is fast becoming the norm today, or should be, to help protect ourselves and others from the virus. That’s especially critical if the people around you aren’t wearing masks.

While some people cannot wear a mask due to a disability, others choose not to do so as a personal or political statement. Regardless of the reason, don’t respond in words or actions if a person without a mask violates the 6-foot social distancing guide, advises Hannah Klain, an Equal Justice Works fellow in the democracy program at the Brennan Center for Justice in New York. City.

“If that person refuses to keep their distance, they can inform a poll worker and ask them to politely remind the voter to try to maintain social distancing,” he said.

“Voters should not take matters into their own hands and approach a person who is not taking security precautions at the polling place,” Klain said. “Instead, the voter should speak to a poll worker about the outage or notify Electoral Protection by calling 866-OUR-VOTE.”

If you and others are following the 6 foot rule, the most likely interpersonal contact during voting is between the voter and the poll workers who register them.

“Ideally there would be a plexiglass barrier, and in states where voters have to provide identification, they could show their identification through the plexiglass barrier,” Klain said.

“Minimizing the amount of shared items that voters and poll workers touch is really critical,” he added.

7. Take disinfectant

Along with that highly protective mask, you should definitely bring disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer with more than 60% ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol, according to the CDC. That is the level necessary to kill most coronaviruses.

Why soap, disinfectant, and warm water work against Covid-19 and other viruses
Don’t be fooled by the “99.9%” effective marketing language you may see on the bottle. Instead, check the alcohol levels of the ingredients or look for the US Food and Drug Administration’s “Drug Information” label, or see the list of FDA-approved disinfectants.
  • Tip: Don’t use any hand sanitizer that has been stored in the car over the summer or left in the sun, says the FDA. The effectiveness will begin to break down above 105 ° F.

When you get home, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds; that’s the amount of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice (although there are many other songs you can substitute). Soap bubbles break the greasy surface of the coronavirus and kill it.

8. Bring your own pen or swab

The CDC also suggests bringing your own blue or black pen in case you need to sign something or decide to fill out your absentee ballot and leave it there. You must use blue or black ink for your vote to be counted.

Men wash their hands much less often than women and that is more important than ever

If your voting table has a touch screen, you should bring a cotton swab, finger guard, or glove to cast your vote instead of using your finger.

Be sure to dispose of these aids immediately (remove the glove from the wrong wrist to avoid cross contamination).

9. Vote alone

Unless you have a disability that requires assistance, vote alone, experts say. This is not the year to bring your children or other non-voting family members to the polling place.

Be sure to ask any babysitters staying with your children to wear a mask if they don’t live with you, advises the CDC.

10. Review your plan

If you need to fill out the registration materials, do so ahead of time, the CDC says, and bring the items ready. To speed up voting and reduce your time in, if your state has sample ballots, fill them out and take them with you, or make a list.

Are you ready? Double check with this quick summary:

  • Personal identification, such as a driver’s license
  • Sample ballot and registration forms
  • Two masks
  • Disinfectant wipes or tissues
  • Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
  • Water
  • Black or blue ink pen
  • Cotton swab or glove

Happy voting!
